Call to Action

Living Generously (what's next for giving?)

On Sunday I took a few moments to share our 2019 Missions Giving Plan with you. Living generous lives doesn't happen by accident. It happens when we are intentional with our resources, making everything available to God to use for His kingdom. It happens when we think of everything we have in this life as a gift to steward and we recognize who the true Owner is. This is true of all of our resources: our time, our talent and our finances.

Rob and I invite you to join our family as we make a financial plan for this coming year that demonstrates our commitment to stewarding our resources and stretches our faith in new ways. We continue to set aside our tithe first and ask God to show us how else we can support mission and ministry sacrificially. I'm not just giving lip service when I tell you that we love to do this because of the freedom and blessing we find in generosity. We want to grow in this area of discipleship and we encourage you to make this a part of what's next for you, too!

The button below will take you the plan for our church's plan to give to missions this year. If you weren't here on Sunday go ahead and click on that so you can join us in giving over and above this year.

Can't wait to get started,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Know God

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Pastor Del concludes our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Need a NEXT step? (we can help!)

All this month we've been asking the question, "What's next?" The truth is that nothing in your life stays the same for very long. Even if we feel like we're in a rut of some kind there are still things changing all around you, one season moving into the next. We see in scripture that this truth applies to our choice to be a follower of Jesus as well. There is no instruction in the Bible to have faith in Christ and then check that off of your life goals list. There is a constant calling to grow and be challenged, to study and learn, and to step forward day by day as a fully devoted disciple.

As we've been considering this we want to follow it up with the most practical next steps that we can think of. When you're ready to take on something new and go deeper in your spiritual life and your knowledge of God, how do you choose from the ocean of content that is available these days? That's the question we want to help to answer.

You're invited to NEXT. It's simply just a page on our website that will help you to step into your next discipleship challenge. It's separated into three categories:

  • Life Transformation Courses (a place to begin if you need to build a foundation)

  • NEXT Training (courses and resources to take you deeper)

  • Connect & Train (options for discipleship that you can do with others)

Check it out! We're only just getting started and there are already lots of options for you. Next month we will be launching our first ever video/podcast course that will be accessible to you from wherever you have an internet connection. And, there is lots more on the horizon. Our intent is that tomorrow, a month from now, a year from now and beyond, you can just keep coming back to NEXT and literally find something to help you with what's next on your personal discipleship journey.

Oh, and by the way, if you have ideas for content or topics that would help you take your next steps as a follower of Jesus, I would LOVE to hear them. Find me here.

So, what's next, Freedom?
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Part 3

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Points of Connection (what's next for CP1?)

As I mentioned on Sunday, everything we do here at Freedom has to line up with our core values. If we have it on the calendar then it should be obvious how it helps us to connect, train or impact. Along with that we are working to give each of you more options in each of these categories that don't add more programs but do equip each disciple in their next stage of growth.

With that firmly in our sights, we are mixing up the format of Connecting Point 1 on Wednesday nights. Here's what will stay the same:

  • Time and Place: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00, at Freedom

  • Youth meet in the FCC

  • KidzConnect for kids in JK to Grade 6

  • Nursery care for infants and Preschoolers

  • Group studies and discussion to challenge your spiritual growth

What's changing is your options. Instead of every group doing studying the same content and asking the same questions, you have the opportunity to choose a group that best answers the question: What's next on your discipleship journey?

Here are the options that will begin on Wednesday, January 30 and run for 12 weeks (not including March Break)...

Everything You Need - a study of 2 Peter 1:3-11 

  • led by Pastor Del and Arlene Wells, second group discussion table led by Jim & Kelly Klujber as needed

  • requires personal study time during the week

  • hard copies of the course will be provided

  • each week will include a teaching time by Pastor Del followed by small group discussion

NOTE: This course will also be offered online via video teaching beginning in February. 

Life in the Spirit - second course in the Life Transformation series

  • led by Erin and Matt Jamieson

  • this course follows First Steps, as completed at CP1 in Fall 2018

  • no homework required

  • hard copies of the course will be provided (also available for any e-reader)

  • small group format

Making Sense of God & The Great Omission (Book Studies)

  • SIGN-UP IS REQUIRED (click here)

  • led by Pastor Tracy Dunham

  • requires reading chapters during the week

  • books must be purchased or borrowed (ebooks and audiobooks are available)

  • group discussion format

  • Making Sense of God is by Timothy Keller and focuses on apologetics in the real world

  • The Great Omission is by Dallas Willard and is a discipleship challenge

Is it just me or is that VERY exciting? I can't wait to get started.

It's a new year with a chance for a new focus and a fresh challenge. Will you join us?

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Part 2

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Bjorn continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Core Value Check: IMPACTING (how are you getting ready for the fall?)

I know that we are only halfway through this beautiful summer season and I'm not ready to give up on the warm evenings or BBQs yet. But I am starting to think about the fall and make plans for our next season. The kids have new backpacks already (unexpectedly found some great ones at Winners the other day!), I'm planning to go through their closets next week and see what they need for school clothes, and it's almost time to sign them up for their sports activities. I'd guess that a lot of you are starting to think about these things too.

Freedom in no exception. We are finalizing the details of our programs that launch again in September and working hard to get our ducks in a row... even as we work around our wonderful summer holiday time!

One of our core values here at Freedom is IMPACTING: Positively Influencing the World for Jesus. We believe that being involved in impacting others for Christ is a vital part of being a disciple of Jesus. It makes sense, doesn't it? If our lives are being truly being transformed, there is a passion to share that same love, grace and change with others.

My first year teaching at the School of Music (@ the FCC) in fall 2010! 

My first year teaching at the School of Music (@ the FCC) in fall 2010! 

So as you're starting to plan your fall I want to encourage you to ask yourself: Am I impacting anyone with the amazing good news that is changing my life?

There are so many ways you can do this... at work, with your family, with a not-for-profit in our community, in your neighbourhood and on it goes. We also have amazing opportunities right here at Freedom. I mean, we have our own community centre! You don't have to start a new organization - you are welcome to jump into something that is already going on. We love linking arms with you to impact KW for Jesus!

Whatever it is, wherever it is, I invite you to go ahead, pray and plan for more than just your kids' sports activities and wardrobes. Ask God how you can impact your world for Him. I'm doing that with my family - join me!

Impacting Together,

Pastor Tracy


This Sunday...


Join us on Sunday at 10am as Erin shares this incredible story of courage.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Community Connection and Easter Series (how about that Loblaw's card?)

Community Connection

This month’s Community Connection challenge comes from an idea brought to us from one of our Freedom Family members. It was such a good idea I thought, let’s make it our Community Connection for March! 

Have you heard that Loblaw’s has committed to giving out $25 gift cards to Canadians that were overcharged for the cost of some packaged breads in their grocery stores? If you aren’t aware, I assure you it’s true! I’ll even provide details on who qualifies and how to register at the end of this email.

Here is the challenge: For those of us that qualify to receive these $25 gift cards, let’s use them to bless three organizations that are doing great work in our community. Sometimes reaching our community happens by coming alongside those who are already doing great work!

If you have already received and spent your gift card or you aren’t eligible, have no fear you can still participate! You can either donate an amount you feel the Lord laying on your heart or pick up a gift card next time you are at a grocery store. 

There are many amazing organizations but we've picked three to focus on with this opportunity:

Monica Place.png

Monica Place

Located in Kitchener and Cambridge, Monica Place empowers young women who are pregnant, parenting or choosing adoption to make informed and healthy choices for themselves and their children. They are a community that provides supportive housing, counselling and on-site education creating opportunities for growth, learning and skill development.

How can they use the gift cards? 
To buy fresh fruits, vegetables and milk for the mother’s and children using their services

Ray of Hope.jpg

Ray of Hope

Ray of Hope’s mission is to demonstrate the love of Christ to those who are disadvantaged, marginalized, or troubled. They provide life-changing social services to young people, adults and families, helping them redirect their life journey and realize their God-give potential. 

How can they use the gift cards? 
To buy food for their hot meal and food hamper programs.

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Pregnancy Care Centre

The Pregnancy Centre offer’s support for anyone experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Their services are designed to help those in need and are free of charge.

How can they use the gift cards? 
To help mothers in need.

How do you get involved?

  1. Check to see if you are eligible for the Loblaw Card Program by visiting:
  2. Register for free gift card, purchase gift card on your decide on a cash amount to donate.
  3. Bring your card to the box at the Welcome Centre on a Sunday morning.

Excited to partner with you to bless our community!

Erin Jamieson
Community Ministries Director

This Sunday...

Better Than Angels

We're getting excited around here because in just a few short weeks we'll be celebrating Easter together. On Sunday we are going to launch our Easter series called "Better Than". Each message will move us deeper and deeper into the book of Hebrews where the author sets up a case for Jesus absolute supremacy over anything you might want to compare Him to. 

Let me invite you to prepare your heart for this series by spending some time in Hebrews 1:1-4 before Sunday. Meditate on all the amazing truths about Jesus that are found in this short passage and get ready to see all the way that He is better than anyone and anything else this world can offer. 

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.


Family. Fun. Connect. Community. (and a sneak peak at our new series)

Community Connections is back in February with our 2nd Annual Williamsburg Winter Fun Family Day!

This Family Day we have the opportunity to connect with our community by partnering with the Williamsburg Community Centre to host a Family Day event. We did this for the first time last year and I am excited to see it continue.  

My Community Connection opportunity and challenge to you this month is to get involved in some way with the Winter Fun Family Day.

I know that Family Day is about spending time with family... i.e. eating pancakes, wearing pyjamas and playing board games. I also know that this opportunity has been handed to us for the second year in a row and I believe God has plans, BIG plans, for every life that is connected with this event.  

Why not make part of your Family Day about ministering for Christ together as a family? Maybe this year Family Day doesn't have to be only about pyjamas and pancakes (or insert your preferred activity here). Maybe it can be about that AND serving your community together as a FAMILY!

Here's how you can get involved:

Pray - Pray for this event to be a time of connection with the community and Freedom that goes beyond the event and sees lives transformed.

Volunteer - We need people to hand out snacks, run crafts, direct traffic, play road hockey, set up, tear down and more. Email me if you and your family would like to volunteer:

Bring Your Family and Participate - This event needs to be more than just opening our doors to the community. The real impact comes from our Freedom Family being present, interacting and making connections with those who come. Even if you can't volunteer, come and join in the fun. 

Invite Other Families - Invite your neighbours to come out and enjoy two hours of free games and activities.

Give me a shout if you have any questions. Thanks for investing in and connecting with our community!

Erin Jamieson
Community Ministries Director

This Sunday...

The Bible Says Whut? "Don't...Be Sure"

2 Timothy 3:16 says that all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. If that's true, what about the things we read in the Bible that we can't figure out or seem to contradict something else? Can the Bible really be understood? 

This series is designed to answer some of those questions and give us the tools we need to be able to be confident in the authority of the Bible. I want to show you how to tackle passages that are difficult and I want you to fall in love with the mystery, wonder and practicality of the Word all over again. I'm looking forward to getting started on Sunday! - Pastor Tracy

Take the Light (and spread it around)


I was looking at the Weather Network as I was writing this just to see what we are looking forward to over the next couple of days. What I see out of my office window confirms the forecast: 1 hour of sunshine today, 1 hour tomorrow. Oh, but wait...we get 3 hours on Friday. Happy dark and dreary January!

Spiritually speaking, our world has almost gotten used to permanently living under these conditions. If there is a glimmer of light, then it is fleeting and short-lived. We then, who carry the Light of the World, get to take that light into dark corners to give light and hope to those living in darkness.

A while ago I attended a Christian concert at a secular establishment. Naturally, at least 90% in attendance were bringing the Light of the World with them. The potential influence on bar staff, security staff, coat check attendants, and merchandise workers was astounding. That much light in an otherwise dark place should have changed the very atmosphere we were in. However, as I watched, it seemed like we simply joined what was already there rather than making it new.

I know all that sounds really philosophical, but let me put it this way: Our Father makes everything new and brings refreshment to everything He touches. As His kids, this becomes our mandate, "I want to be just like my Dad."

The new year brings about a bit of change for our youth program. We have been talking to the Williamsburg Community Association in hopes that our youth group can find ways to join them in what they are doing. The idea is to take the light that we have and spread it around. So, instead of simply learning to become like Jesus in a church setting, we will also get to practice being like Him to those who don't know Him.

Pray for us, as we take on this new challenge. I anticipate new growth in our students and leaders. I am also believing that this step will help our community cross the bridge that Pastor Tracy has been talking about. Most importantly, I am believing that the lost will find the Light that shines in the darkness.

My prayer is that you will join us in embracing the NEW THING that God is doing in and around you.


This Sunday...

Sacred Word: Rivers in the Wasteland 

As we continue to go through Isaiah 43, we'll be talking about our creative God. Even though the Israelites had pride and found identity in what God had done for them in their history, He wasn't willing to simply hit repeat. His love for us continues to move us on in new and beautiful ways, even if we are in a desert. I'm looking forward to digging into verses 14-21 with you on Sunday! 

- Pastor Tracy

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.

A Response (Canada Summer Jobs Grants)

On Sunday, I took a moment to let you know about a situation that we are currently facing because of the policy changes to the Canada Summer Jobs Program. As a church, we have historically received 4 or 5 grants each summer which significantly offset the cost of running our Malcolm's Day Camps. By keeping our costs low we are able to serve more families in our community and give them a fun, safe and caring environment for their children. Because we are not able to attest to or affirm the positions that the government is asking us to, we will be ineligible for these grants this summer.

Additionally, and more importantly than amount of grant money could be, we believe that these changes to the grant program violate our guaranteed freedoms of religion, thought, beliefs, opinion and associates offered by Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

You'll know that at Freedom we intentionally keep politics away from the pulpit. It is not my intention to tell you what to believe or agree with. At the same time, I know that many of you are concerned about this new policy and want to help in some way. I also want you to know that the staff and I are engaging with our MP and others in order to share how these changes will effect us now and going forward. 

If you would like to learn more and find out how to get involved, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada has put together information and resources for churches. I urge you to follow this link and make sure you are in-the-know. Our denomination, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, is in full support of the EFC's resources and actions and are actively engaged in dialogue on this issue.

Together, let's take wise and gracious action as needed and unite in prayer for the religious freedoms we have known in our country. 

In Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday...

Sacred Word: Not If, But When

In the month of January our series is called "Sacred Word: The Promise of the Presence". We will be walking through a beautiful passage of scripture - Isaiah 43 - and spending time with the incredible promises we find. This week, Bjorn will be looking at the first five verses and talking about what happens when (not if) we go through trouble or hardship. 

You can also follow along with the message on YouVersion. Here's the link.
