
Fast & Pray Days (let's do this together!)

Fasting is a simple concept, truly. It's a spiritual discipline that is practiced throughout scripture (old normal and new normal!) and is still valid for us today. It's abstaining from food for a period of time to be able to focus in prayer with increased intentionality.

But still, we have a lot of questions about fasting. I've put together a few thoughts in the video that I hope are helpful and more than that, I hope they encourage you to join us for Fast & Pray Days next week.

November 8 - Deep Roots

November 8-14 - Fast & Pray Days

  • Follow us on social media for specific needs and a prayer guide for the whole church!

Thank you for praying with me,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The New Creation

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

The New Normal (even though we're tired of hearing about it!)

There are certain words that I have banned in the past few months. It started in April or May when we’d been locked down for a while and I was just entirely fed up with our new pandemic-related catch phrases. Can you guess what they were?

Unprecedented – pivot – bubble – new normal…

Yes, the new normal. This one is not as bad as unprecedented but people are sick of hearing it. So, I thought that’s what we’d name the new series. Giggle. 

But… throughout human history there have been a series of new normals that have made the most unbelievable, incredible, fantastic things possible for us. We’re going to use some precedents from the Old Testament and compare them with what was new and unprecedented (see what I did there?) in the New Testament and hopefully fill your heart with joy and hope at the idea that a new normal can be a beautiful, life-transforming act of grace from God. 

  • November 1st is all about the new covenant.

  • November 8th, We’re talking about water baptism and the new creation.

  • November 15th we're breaking down what scripture says about giving in the new tithe.

  • November 22nd is going to be some teaching on how prayer has changed for us.

And in our final week of this series - November 29th - we have a very special 5th Sunday. Not only are planning for water baptisms in the service, we are calling the service - "The New Pastor". And while I'm not very new anymore, I've invited our "old" pastor, Del, to join me for a church-wide, nothing's off limits, Q&A that we'll tackle together. FUN!!!

So much to look forward to this month. The new normal isn't so bad after all. :)

And if you have a question about anything that you'd like a pastor to take a stab at answering for you, email any time this month and we'll do our best to get to it during the service on the 29th.

Embracing the new with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The New Covenant

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

People of the "And" (living in the already and not yet)

We are people of the "already" and "not yet." You may remember hearing that in church before. We have already received much of the blessing and promise of the Kingdom of God with the arrival and work of Jesus on earth. But there are still things to be done and Jesus has promised that someday He will make everything right and everything new. We live in the tension of these two realities, thankful for all that we have been given and longing for what's still to come.

One of the keys to navigating a difficult conversation is to use a similar principle. The word "but" has the effect of erasing whatever came before it in favour of what's about to be said. If you say, "I love you, but...," the expression of love has just lost its power. However, "I love you and..." has a different effect altogether. Loving someone and needing to say something difficult about your relationship can and do co-exist. It's incredibly helpful to be able to express them both well.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about being a person of the "and," a person of the "already and not yet." As disciples of Jesus, this tension of recognizing the truth of a situation while still being able to hold firmly to hope is our superpower. Yeah, that's kind of a weird way to say that but it's true! We have been given the supernatural ability to both respond to the needs, grief, happiness (or anything else!) of the moment while having hearts and minds that are fully convinced that this is not all there is. We'll be "living our best life" when we're in the presence of Jesus for eternity and nothing here can compare to that.

Take a read through Romans 8:18-37. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live in the "and" and to know how to navigate every day, every circumstance and every season as we both wait for the "not yet" and invite others into the "already".

I'm praying that all of us will be like the men of Issachar who understood the times and knew what to do. I'm thankful that we have everything we need as followers of Christ to hold on to the hope held out in the gospel and to share it with others.

Thankful to be walking with you,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Company

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

This is the Way (the disciple life)

Let me show my hand before we get to Sunday. Sometimes when I'm writing messages, the place that I think I'm going to land is not where my studying takes me. I've learned not to fight it (mostly!) but instead to be delighted by it. The Word is so full of beauty and wonder and mystery and is alive and active so it should come as no surprise, really.

What I intended to be a message about the practical aspects of the life of a disciple of Jesus turned into a practical application of how much I need all of you in order to walk in that way. How am I going to be able to stay focused on the things that please the Lord - love and good deeds, according to Hebrews 10:24? How will I stay faithful, growing in maturity and staying in step with the Spirit? Turns out, the Way is you and me doing this together.

Okay, I mean, I knew that. But the freshness that came from these verses in this distracted, fearful, separated (AKA socially-distanced) time has renewed my commitment to The Way, to being humble enough to be challenged by others and kind enough to speak truth in love... and all the practical things that come from that devoted life in Christ. Ah, how refreshing in a culture that teaches us to ball up our fists and keep the best of ourselves to ourselves, worried that we won't have what we need.

To be fully-devoted followers of Jesus we need to know the Way and be able to help others and be helped by others. I'm looking forward to sharing from Hebrews 10 and hearing your thoughts and ideas along the way!

See you on Sunday... however you're able to connect!

This is the Way.jpg

Pastor Tracy

PS - Shout out to my CP group who has lots of patience and understanding for me as I led them at the end of a long, not-great day and reminded me of the power of this concept from Hebrews in real time!

This Sunday

The Way

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Connected... On Purpose (not just to the wifi)

Not a lot of introduction needed to this week's email. We believe in so much in connecting that we're continuing to remind you that Connecting Point groups are launching. Some started earlier this week, some start next week - and all groups are still open to you.

Looking forward to all that God has in store in our Connecting Point groups this fall!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Test

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Now What? Connect & Train! (CP groups are starting soon)

We believe that it's vital for our growth and effectiveness to be doing three things:

  • CONNECT - with God and others (don't do it alone!)

  • TRAIN - learn to be like Jesus (be equipped!)

  • IMPACT - change the world for Christ (share your faith!)

You know as well as I do that these things don't happen on their own. We have to be intentional and we have to keep checking in to make sure that we haven't stalled out in any of these areas.

Connecting Point is one of the ways that you can connect and train so that you are equipped to make an impact.

This fall our groups are running for eight weeks in October and November. They are, simply put, all going to be excellent.

Allow me to show you how to find them on our website and then take a moment to sign up for the one that works best for you connecting, training and impacting this fall.

Can't wait to dig into these with you!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Next Up... (Kids Church is opening!)

This week we're still answering the question: What does this crazy pandemic make possible? Again, so much!

Our next step is to open up Kids Church in new and exciting ways. Our kids are VERY important to us and we believe that investing in their lives in a way that is relevant to them is vital for their growth in Christ.

We were originally thinking about doing this in October but as we kept assessing the possibilities for this fall, we decided to start now. Why? Because lots of our Freedom kids are with us in the service already and we are ready to take the opportunity to pour into them on Sunday mornings!

Take a moment to watch Miss Margaret's video about opening Kids Church and be sure to reserve your kids a space. We are only allowed to take 15 kids at a time right now so sign-up early.

And never fear, if we reach capacity in Kids Church, our kids are still welcome to join us in the main service. Tables will still be provided for families so the kids can enjoy quiet activities.

Lots to navigate in this season but so thankful for the opportunities in front of us!

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

In The Works (things to look forward to this fall)

In this video devotional... What does this crazy pandemic make possible? So much! Pastor Tracy talks about the fall, what's exciting and what to expect. Check it out!

  1. September & October Series

  2. Kids Ministry

  3. Connecting Point Groups

  4. Call to Prayer

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

ICYMI: Slow Fade (the truth in the yellow ceiling)

This week's throwback devotional is from May 2018: Slow Fade

Painted Ceiling.JPG

This week's throwback devotional is from May 2018: Slow Fade

I consider myself to be a pretty clean person. I do regular chores at my house and like to keep thing tidy. But something pretty horrifying came to light last week while Rob and I started a small kitchen renovation. We were about to begin the process of painting the cabinets and I decided that it was probably a good idea to paint the ceiling since everything else was being freshened up. I could see that the section around the stove had yellowed a bit so I bought a can of ceiling paint and got started. Within a few strokes of the roller I was equally horrified and fascinated. When compared to the rest of the 14 year old ceiling, it wasn't bad... but compared to the fresh, white paint, the ceiling was a perfect shade of EW!

Immediately, I saw the metaphor on my ceiling. When we compare ourselves - thoughts, actions, attitudes - to others, to our surroundings, or to who we were yesterday, we simply can't see clearly what needs to be changed. But when we allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word to us, to speak truth to us and to show us His ways, we have the opportunity to be truly transformed. That's why we're so passionate about meeting together, about knowing the Word, about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and, in this series, how to be people of prayer. All of this works together to help us see more clearly how to be transformed into the image of Christ.

Looking forward to being transformed by the Word with you on Sunday,

Pastor Tracy

PS - Speaking of Sunday, Jeremy Feller will be here as our guest speaker and I CAN'T WAIT!!! You will not want to miss this service. Be here live if you can, join us on livestream if you can't!

This Sunday

Guest Speaker: Jeremy Feller

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

ICYMI: The Power of Inefficiency

This week's throwback devotional is from July 2018: The Power of Inefficiency

But first... it's 5th Sunday! We have a great service planned and are so excited about celebrating how LOVED we are by God. Even if you can't be here for the service, why not join us after service for a socially-distanced picnic? We will have our lawn setup and ready to host up to 100 people for lunch outside!


I love efficiency. I get a little giddy when I find out that there is a better or faster way to get something done. I don't drive anywhere without considering how many lights I might have to sit at or how much traffic I will encounter. I organize my grocery list so that I don't have to backtrack through the store. I don't pack for a trip until every piece of laundry is cleaned, folded and put away so that I don't have to return to the job over and over again. If I can order something online for the same price, I definitely will... and let it just come to my door. I like checking off lists and feeling accomplished at the end of the day. You get the picture. I suspect I've just divided you into two groups: those of you who are breathing an amen and those who feel a bit suffocated.

While our family was away doing worship ministry at Sunset Point Camp in Alberta, we had the chance to take a canoe out on Lac St. Anne. Rob is a very proficient canoe-ist and I knew all I'd have to do is paddle and he'd get us where we wanted to go. Before we set out I had just finished answering a bunch of emails and generally having a productive afternoon. After we'd been paddling for about ten minutes I realized a couple of things:

1. The noise of the shoreline was disappearing. (Canoes are so quiet!)

2. The water was beautiful and the setting incredibly peaceful.

3. Paddling is extremely inefficient.

Sure, we were moving through the lake but we weren't getting anywhere quickly. Pretty soon, the only sound we heard was our wooden oars dipping in and out of the water. And that's when I had this thought: times of inefficiency are so very good for the soul.

I'm not talking about idleness or laziness, I'm talking about strategically spending time accomplishing nothing but quieting your heart.

Our calendars are full, our inboxes are full, our kitchen sinks are full and we strive for better strategies to get it all done and keep it all in order. And truthfully, ordering our worlds is an important discipline for effectiveness in our life and ministry. But ordering your life is about more than that calendar or inbox. There has to be time "wasted" doing whatever it is that quiets your mind and soul.

So go out and inefficiently paddle to the middle of the lake... or whatever you do to move away from the noise. Maybe it's tea on the porch swing (without your phone!). Maybe it's a walk through your neighbourhood with worship in your heart and/or on your iPod. Maybe it's a hike with your family or day at the beach unplugged from the calendar. I can't think of a better season to be intentional about this life-giving practice. Use this beautiful summer season to get this habit into your DNA.

Looking forward to connecting with you on Sunday,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday: 5th Sunday!


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

ICYMI: Surprised By Beauty

This week I want to throw back to a devotional I wrote back in August of last year. It hits on similar themes from my message two Sundays ago but from a bit of a different point of view. Enjoy!


I was delighted when we moved into our new house last fall that there were simple perennial gardens around the fence. I love how gardens warm-up and finish outdoor spaces. They're so welcoming and beautiful. But then early spring came and I was meeting a neighbour outside of my house. She glanced at my yard and said, "So, do you like gardening?" Uh...

She knew something I didn't. These simple gardens require a lot of maintenance. I got to skip the construction and planting stages, I hardly have to do anything to make the plants grow, but that is far from the whole picture. My neighbour had seen the old owners working away in those gardens on a consistent basis and was wondering if I was going to do the same or bring the neighbourhood property values down.

I've spent more time gardening this year than ever. While it has been backbreaking at times, I've actually been surprised by the joy I've found watching those plants develop over the past weeks and months. I really didn't know what most of them were since the season was over when we moved in last year. But one day I looked out at my garden and realized that two of the plants were lilac bushes. I love lilacs! A few weeks later my street smelled like lilacs again... turns out that the trees in my boulevard are white lilac trees. Sweet!

I've been watching one plant grow that I thought might be rhubarb... then it wasn't. It was very, very slow to come to life and after several months of waiting it suddenly took off and is now blooming purple flowers. Nice. And if that weren't enough, just when I thought I had seen it all, two unknown bushes started to flower with pink hydrangeas (I think...see photo above!). What?! Gor-geous.

I know that some of you reading this are wondering how I didn't know what a hydrangea plant or lilac bush looked like before they flowered. If you want to come by and identify all the plants in this garden for me, I welcome you. We'll have tea. My only gardening strategy is to keep things tidy, pull the weeds and prune anything that gets out of control. 

But back to the point. How much is this like our lives in Christ? God has created us in fearful and wonderful ways. He has done the work of planting His calling and gifting into our lives. He keeps speaking and moving, giving us every opportunity to grow and mature into all that He designed us to be. When we join in with what He has already done, the beauty that is produced in our lives is sometimes surprising and always amazing.

So how are you cooperating with what God has planted in your life? Do you see the miracle of His grace in your life? Are you noticing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control growing, flowering and being produced?

Let's not ever take for granted the power of staying in step with the Spirit every day and what is produced in our lives through that diligence. And let's not ever take for granted the incredible things that God makes beautiful in His time.

To quote Psalty the Singing Songbook:
Beautiful, beautiful, Jesus is beautiful
And Jesus makes beautiful things of my life

Thankful to be in Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

East From The West

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

ICYMI: Asking for Time (wisdom from Daniel)

This week I want to throw back to a devotional I wrote back in April of last year. Considering what our 2020 has been like so far, April 2019 seems like a decade ago! The wisdom of Daniel's response to the king continues to be a poignant challenge every day and it a great set up for my message on Sunday so here it is again: Asking For Time

In my devotional reading a verse caught my attention in a passage I've read many times before. It's found in the story of Daniel interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2. Daniel was under extreme pressure. Not only did the king want his dream interpreted, he wanted someone to tell him what his dream was to prove they weren't making something up. In fact, the king was so angry with and suspicious of his astrologers that he was planning to end all of their lives unless they could do what he asked. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were on the hit list (v.13).

It's under this kind of stress (threat of death!) that Daniel goes to see the king. And here is how scripture records this interaction: "At this, Daniel went into the king and asked for time so that he might interpret the dream for him." (v.16, emphasis mine)

I know that my first instinct wouldn't be to calmly ask the homicidal king for some time. I would try to find a solution and bring it to him or hide and beg God for an answer that would save my life. Both of those might be valid action plans but Daniel asks for time.

My heart was challenged by this. How often do I rush to a solution without taking the time to really ask the Lord what His heart is? How often do I make plans and then ask God to bless them instead of spending time in prayer, waiting in His presence until I know the direction that He wants me to take?

Andrew Murray says it like this: "Learn to say about every want, failure, or lack of grace you need, 'I have not waited enough on God. He would have given me all I needed in due season.'" (from Power in Prayer & Waiting on God)

So let me encourage you to ask for time. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you take the time you need to pray for your needs and wait for His answer. Ask for time from those around you who are pressing you for answers that you don't have. And then take the time to slow down in a "tyranny of the urgent", stressed-out world to hear the voice of God speaking. And then, step out in obedience to what He says.

Asking for time along with you,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

In The Waiting

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

ICYMI: Letting Love Root Deeply (truly "more than a song")

This month we're going to throw back (ICYMI = In Case You Missed It) to some devotionals that IMHO (in my humble opinion) deserve a second visit. Let's start with the wisdom of Psalm 1 because our series this summer is all about how the Psalms are more than just songs, they are biblical poetry that instruct, lead and equip us to follow Jesus. Here we go!

Psalm 1:1-3 says, "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither - whatever they do prospers."

Meditating on the Word allows our minds to be transformed by God (Romans 12:2). It's counterintuitive to the break-neck pace of our culture but the Bible assures us that it worth every moment. As I thought about how we need to know and be changed by the love of God, I also thought about how our minds need to be renewed in order for us to truly understand it. So, this week, I've simply put together several verses for you to meditate on. I encourage you to take some time with each of them - read it over, read it out loud, journal some thoughts, sit and think about it quietly. 

As you meditate, "I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." (Ephesians 3:18)

Pastor Tracy


Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.

Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.

Ephesians 2:4-5
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions-it is by grace you have been saved.

Romans 8:37-39
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Psalm 86:15
But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

This Sunday

Search Me

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Gathering at the Table (a Communion refresher)

While Rob and I are on holidays this week, there is a beautiful service taking place on Sunday morning. I'm glad that I can watch online! (Or maybe I'll sneak in the back... after I register, obviously. LOL!)

Margaret is working on her final assignment for a homiletics (preaching) course and is going to be using this opportunity to bring us a message from Ephesians 6 called "Suit Up". I have every confidence that it will be A+ and challenge all of us to know where our true strength comes from. If you're on site for the service, be sure to shout amen so her professor hears it on the recording. :)

And Pastor Erin will be leading us through Communion. So, I want to take this opportunity to share a refresher in what Communion (or the Lord's Supper) is and why it is so valuable to us as believers. We have a very clear and helpful lesson on Communion in our First Steps course so I've included Lesson 4 here for you to either learn about this beautiful act of worship for the first time or to give yourself a refresher.

Speaking of which... if you're participating at home, be sure to have some Communion emblems ready for 10am on Sunday. Any kind of juice and bread/crackers will work nicely.

Ah, it's going to be a great weekend as we connect, train, and impact from wherever we find ourselves.

Be blessed,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Beautiful in Time

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

More On Ecclesiastes (

I'm writing this between speaking two messages from the book of Ecclesiastes. To help give context I used a Bible Project video like we did back in our Bible Says Whut? series. They've been helpful to us several times already this year and I wanted to be sure that all of you had these resources at your fingertips.

What are you reading in scripture right now? Ever feel like you're a little lost in the text or wonder where it fits into the bigger picture of the book or the biblical narrative? Jump over to the Bible Project website or download their Read Scripture app. So. Helpful.

If you haven't had a chance to watch last week's Ecclesiastes video, I've attached it here. Also, there is a second equally great video on the same book that I highly recommend. And since I'm attaching things, it's here for you as well.

I can't encourage you enough to take these or other resources like them to help you dig and root deeper in the scriptures that you're reading. I'll tell you that it quite simply will teach you to fall in love with the Word in new ways every day.


Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Beautiful in Time

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Acts 2:42-47 in Quarantine (Part 2) (staying devoted to the fellowship)

I can't tell you how much I have learned over the past four months. There have been so many lessons in life and leadership and I'm desperate to not forget any of them as we move into new stages of recovery from COVID-19. My attitude is that it's been a difficult time so I want to get out of it as much as I possibly can.

Last week I challenged you to take a look at Lesson 5 from our First Steps course and ask if you are staying "devoted to the fellowship" through this crisis.

This week, it would be great to collect some ideas of how we are doing this in real time. I'll share a few ideas and feel free to add yours by emailing me or leaving a comment on our blog or socials.

  1. Attending a service if you are able. Yep, we're wearing masks. Yep, there are some things to check off and assigned seating when you get there. But the experience of being with other believers, responding to the same message, worshiping at the same time and experiencing the presence of God with real, live people is more powerful than I can put into words.

  2. Serving others in a tangible way. Knowing about needs and meeting them is an amazing way to express your devotion to others. Through this pandemic we've had a coordinated effort to meet needs by dropping off meals, giving gift cards and household items to ones who were struggling, and financially supporting our food bank. I've heard about some of you who are doing this in an uncoordinated way by having a person on your heart and reaching out to them in similar ways. Yes!

  3. Praying intentionally. Many of you have asked to be added to our Prayer Network and check into that list of requests faithfully, bringing every need to God. Some of you have adopted a posture of prayer in the last few months that has been challenging and rich for you. Prayer not only connects our hearts, minds, actions and attitudes to God, it connects our hearts with one another in a very, very special way.

Those are some of the things I'm seeing and participating in. And with that list in place, I'm going to finish this the same way I did last week...

Without question this has been the most challenging time to figure this out in real life. But we obviously do not stop being the church when there are obstacles in the way of gathering as the church. For me, that offers up the opportunity to check my relationship to the body and ask the Holy Spirit to show me how to stay connected in new and meaningful ways.

I would love to hear from you. How are you staying devoted to the fellowship when gathering is such a challenge? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you and your family? Let me know! (

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Pastor Tracy

PS - Here is Lesson 5 from First Steps. It was your homework the week. If you haven't already, I challenge you to choose a day and make it your devotional. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know how to be Devoted to the Fellowship during a pandemic. Rob and I are doing the same.

PPS - Want the whole First Steps course? It's available in hard copy or PDF.

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Acts 2:42-47 in Quarantine (how?!) (or, devoted to the fellowship)

This last few months have brought a few things to the forefront. In our context, one of the major ones has been what it means to be the church when you can't meet as a church. Everything about gathering has changed in every part of your life and what used to be normal seems to be a thing of the past.

In some ways this has made us appreciate the simple beauty in a dinner with friends or family, a hug or an unplanned chat when you see someone you know.

In other ways it has made us evaluate the most mundane activities in terms of their risk and what we deem "worth it" has probably changed.

So what about the church? How are you evaluating your connection with and participation in the body of Christ in light of all that is happening in the world?

If you know me, you know I'm not asking to pile on guilt or pressure. My heart is stirring over these things and it seems to me that this is a perfect time to align our hearts with the why of what we do. Why do we gather at all? Why do we make an effort to stay connected when we can't gather? Why isn't my discipleship a journey that is just mine?

In our Life Transformations course, First Steps, Lesson 5 is incredibly helpful as foundational learning when it comes to being a part of the church. If you are a follower of Christ, you are a part of the body of Christ. He's the head and we are all called to be connected to one another. It's of vital importance.

Without question this has been the most challenging time to figure this out in real life. But we obviously do not stop being the church when there are obstacles in the way of gathering as the church. For me, that offers up the opportunity to check my relationship to the body and ask the Holy Spirit to show me how to stay connected in new and meaningful ways.

Here is Lesson 5 from First Steps. It's your homework for the week. I challenge you to choose a day and make it your devotional. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know how to be Devoted to the Fellowship during a pandemic. Rob and I are doing the same.

I would love to hear from you. How are you staying devoted to the fellowship when gathering is such a challenge? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you and your family? Let me know! (

Glad to be in the Body with you,

Pastor Tracy

PS - You have an opportunity as congregation member to invest some time into the practical workings of this local church, hear what's going on between Sundays and ask any questions you have. We'd love to see you in person or on Zoom this Sunday evening - links below.

PPS - Want the whole First Steps course? It's available in hard copy or PDF.

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Working On Our Praise Habit (in church life and my life)

This Sunday I'm kicking off our new series (see beautiful new graphic above) by talking about one of the secrets of a happy life... building a praise habit. We're using the Psalms to help us develop in our faith as we follow Jesus and get to know Him more.

These last few days have kind of been all over the map for me. There has been a lot of reading financial statements and other administrative work, we had a holiday in the middle of the week, and we're trying to keep up with the latest health and safety rules/recommendations during the pandemic. Something tells me your days and weeks can be a bit unpredictable, too.

And through all of it I was writing my message and remembering the power of praising God through every task, in every circumstance and during every interruption. I haven't perfected it but this habit is a powerful one.

Here are some examples that will also serve as reminders for church life. I'm not even contriving these, they represent the genuine praise habit that I was working on this week!

  • We got our audited financial statements in time to process them and get them out to our members by the deadline on Tuesday. Sometimes we're tempted to brush aside reports and their timing, but I'm thanking God for His help and the excellent help of our Treasurer, Mary Lynn, who does a lot of heavy lifting in this area.

  • We purchased a picnic table for the church to test out the ones we're considering for the pavilion... and so I ate lunch outside with Margaret. We had a chance to look at the property and talk about how incredible it was to be able to dream for and use this 10 acres. We even tried to imagine what it would look like when the new pavilion was built. And, Margaret bought us some of those new donuts from McDonalds. Simple things that when you pause over them bring a lot of gratitude to the God who pieced it all together.

  • On Sunday, we are gathering both here at the church and in our homes around the Lord's Supper. This moment of remembrance is centred on praise and I will get to lead my church family in it. That's a good thing. #getyouremblemsready

  • While I was working this morning, I was texting Matt about something I want to do for my message and he walked me through how we will do that with the live site and livestream. Meanwhile, Walt and Rob were making a bunch of noise in the sanctuary, testing and tweaking the audio to work out the last of the kinks for livestreaming from our sanctuary (coming soon!). These guys are simply the best - joyfully serving and working to make the message of Jesus accessible to everyone and as effectively delivered as possible. So much to thank God for!

And listen, friends, it's only Thursday afternoon. Not everything is easy - not by a long shot. Not every day is your best - not by a really long shot. But every day God is good and this habit of praise helps us to calibrate our hearts to that truth moment by moment.

Lots more on that this Sunday and in the coming summer series of messages!

See you at 10am on Facebook Live for our service... if you have a praise song request, let me know. You never know what Rob and I might do during lobby time!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Praise Habit

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Rebuilding My Life (how I'm thinking about post-pandemic life)

Rebuilding Our Lives

Everything came skidding to a stop three months ago. We lost the ability to go out and do what we wanted to. We rearranged everything to have it centre from home - church, social interactions, school, and work. Some of us were bored and some of us were busier than ever. Our assumptions, emotions, mental health, and spiritual fortitude have been tested and challenged.

As we creep toward something that looks a little more like pre-pandemic life, how do we know how to rebuild the parts of our lives that are so different than they were before? How do we decide what we're going to do and not do, resume or leave behind forever?

Here's how I've been thinking about this.

Spiritual Life

Since my relationship with God isn't a piece of my life but the foundation and centre of my life, this one has to come first. I wrote this in first person and then in third person and then back again, and again... it was tough to know what voice to use so I left it in third but on almost every point I am using first person to ask these questions of myself as well!

What does your relationship with God look like right now? Have you picked up any habits or practices that have been making a positive impact to your discipleship? How can you protect those things in your calendar and strengthen these habits?

Think about what your bible-reading app streak looks like or the bible study that you've been working through daily or how your family has consistently been "attending" church together or the Connecting Point group that you engaged with online or the way that you've been able to pray for people and meet practical needs like never before.

What will it take for those kingdom-centred things to stay in first place as restrictions to our movements are easing?

Family Life

What have you learned about your closest relationships over the past few months? What areas have been shown to need some work? What beautiful things have come out of spending so much time together? How can you lean into those issues that have come to the surface and schedule your week to preserve the family time that you've come to love?

Work Life

Think about the time you spend at work and what it has meant to work from home or go into work during a pandemic. How has God used you in this environment? What have you realized about your strengths and weaknesses as you serve your employer? How has gratitude for a steady job increased? Or, how has your ability to trust God to be your provider increased? How will these insights help you live out Colossians 3:23 - "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men..."?

This crisis has an obvious silver-lining; we have the chance to rebuild our lives with new intention. We have an unlimited resource of wisdom to help us with this (James 1:5-6) and the Holy Spirit who is able to use every circumstance to shape us into the image of Christ and produce the fruit of the Spirit in us. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Take these questions with you on the next walk you take, the next time you open your prayer journal or the next time you sit quietly with the scriptures. Who knows what the next six months, year or decade might look like when a global pandemic gives you the catalyst you needed to allow the Lord to shape your life in new ways.

Walking with you,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

It’s Not Okay

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Re-Opening the Church: What to Expect (take a tour with me!)

This Sunday we are opening 55 seats in our building to allow you to watch the livestream service with others. Frankly, while testing this last week, we wondered if it was worth the effort since we are still not yet going to be having a live service from the platform. But the overwhelming feedback from those who were here is that while they may have had the same questions before gathering, they were so very glad that they were able to be here. It was more moving and valuable than we could have imagined.

So, we're ready to open the church this Sunday for the first 55 people who register to be here and watch the service together.

Go ahead and watch the video tour and if you'd like to be a part of this livestream host site, click below to register. If the service is full, please register for the Waitlist because it will be so helpful to us in planning for future Sundays.

Questions? Ask away! Just email us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Wherever you're joining us from on Sunday, I'm looking forward to seeing you!

P. Tracy

This Sunday

I’m Not Strong Enough

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.