
More on Spirit Baptism (lots of resources for you)

On Sunday we celebrated Pentecost and I shared about how vital it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I know that a lot of us don't come from a pentecostal background and this might be something new that you'd like to study more. Here are some resources to get you started and as always, don't hesitate to reach out to me with more questions or insights. I'd love to hear your story and share in your journey.

Be filled!
Pastor Tracy

SCRIPTURE: The Book of Acts

BLOG: Why do Pentecostals care so much about SPIRIT BAPTISM? (Andrew Gabriel)

COURSE: Life in the Spirit (Del Wells)

EBOOK: Sprit Baptism in the Old and New Testament (Andrew Gabriel)

BOOK: The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke (Roger Stronstad)

BOOKLET: A Scriptural Outline of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (George Gilles)

POSITION PAPER: Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Assemblies of God)

NEXT STEP: Deep Roots (next one is July 3rd @ 6:30pm)

This Sunday

Speaking The Truth
"WikiHow to Dad”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Del shares a Father’s Day message.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Pour Out (how else can you get filled up?)

I got a great piece of advice from Encounters (our women's group) that had me thinking about how I approach my prayer time. Beth Moore encouraged us to "pour out" when we come to God so that we can be "filled up." The idea is to lay down everything that is filling us up with anxious thoughts, burdens, trouble (the list can go on) and then we are ready to hear and respond to the voice of the Spirit and be filled with His presence, His character, His wisdom, etc.

This is something that typically happens for me at some point when I am in a focused prayer time but not always the way that I would start. I had an opportunity to intentionally give it a shot during Fast & Pray Wednesday a couple of days later. We spend the thirty minutes praying on our own and so I sat down with the intention to "pour out". Do you know what I discovered? There was a lot to pour. When I took that pause in the middle of my day and tried to focus on prayer, I discovered that my mind and heart were full and distracted by a lot of things!

While this isn't really much of a shock since we all have a lot of things going on each day, it really reminded me how necessary silence and solitude is. If I had not been quiet, I would not have noticed the noise.

I'm grateful for the reminder and want to offer it to you as an encouragement to find the time to intentionally "pour out" and see what God might want to fill you with. He is so good that I can hardly begin to imagine what He can and will do with a heart that is poised to receive.

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Speaking The Truth
"The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is Vital (Going Deeper Makes Me Nervous)”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy continues in our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Sending (ciao, Miss Margaret!)

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.
— Acts 13:2-3

With the same heart that the early church had for sending out people who had a calling to ministry outside of the local church, we are getting ready to send Margaret to Honduras next week. We are going to take time in our service on Sunday to commission her to her ministry calling and pray for her together. While I know it will be hard to say goodbye for seven months, I have so much joy in being a part of the church family who is releasing her to her new adventure. What a beautiful thing.

Here's what you can add to your prayer list for the rest of the year for Margaret:

  • God's continued guidance and direction in this new adventure.

  • Safety while traveling and serving.

  • The children and families that she is ministering to would come to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him.

You can follow Margaret's adventures on her Facebook group and we will share updates on our social accounts as well. (Links below.)

Also, everyone is invited to stay for lunch after the service if you'd like to spend a few moments sending her off and saying goodbye. We're going to keep it simple - $5/person for pizza, salad, dessert and beverages. Just be sure to RSVP for you and/or your family by tomorrow. (Yep, gluten-free options will be available.)

What a privilege we have this Sunday. I'm looking forward to sharing it with all of you.

See you then,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Speaking The Truth
"The Holy Spirit Transforms Minds (I’m Fighting a Battle That You Can’t See)”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy continues in our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

What is Recurring? (the best kind of nagging)

I came across this devotional in Hearing God Through The Year: A 365-Day Devotional by Dallas Willard a few weeks ago and wanted to share it with you. What a simple and potentially profound way to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us daily.


Recurring Thoughts

I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.
— Jeremiah 17:10

Recurring thoughts are important in God’s communication with us, as Russ Johnston points out in How to Know the Will of God:

“We would see wonderful results if we would deal with the thoughts that continue in our minds in a godly manner. But most people don’t. . . . As thoughts come into your mind and continue, ask God, “Do you really want me (or us) to do this?” Most of us just let those thoughts collapse—and God looks for someone else to stand in the gap.

“These recurring thoughts touch on every part of the self: family, possessions, profession and health; one’s fear of death; attitudes toward God; sexuality; preoccupation with reputation; concern with appearance and countless other areas of one’s life. Although recurring thoughts are not always an indication that God is speaking, they are not to be lightly disregarded.”

Pray: Sit quietly before God and ponder what recurring thoughts have come to you lately regarding the areas listed above. No matter how mundane these thoughts seem, bring them before God and ask him to help you see a next step, however small, you could take to act on them. This might be asking someone a question or writing a note.

(Willard, D., & Johnson, J. (2015). Hearing god through the year: a 365-day devotional. Westmont, IL: IVP Books.)


So, what is on your mind? Let me encourage you to find time for silence (turn off the music, podcast or Netflix) in your day and pay attention to what you're thinking. I work at being intentional about this when I fold laundry and other such mundane tasks and that's a good start if sitting still seems impossible to you. Truly, these recurring thoughts might be the most important "nagging" you'll ever experience - they might be leading you to transformation!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Speaking The Truth
"Marriage is a Gift (My Marriage is a Disaster)”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy continues in our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Is it Today? (hint: yes, always)

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"See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called 'Today,' so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." Hebrews 3:12-13

These verses came up as part of my YouVersion bible reading plan a few weeks ago and caught my attention... and then my highlighter. We would probably agree that encouraging others is a great thing to do. It's good to notice the strengths and efforts of others and tell them that they are doing a great job. It's important to notice when someone is having a difficult time and offer support and understanding to them.

But this passage in Hebrews tells us that encouragement should be a daily exercise and it will help to keep our hearts from being hard toward sin. I don't think we consider this too often. I certainly didn't... and encouragement is supposed to be one of my spiritual gifts!

Think about a piece of pottery. When it has hardened it can't be shaped or changed. When water is being added, the potter can make it into anything. It is ready to be transformed.

Encouraging others in their faith - reminding them to keep pursuing Christ, being excited for the growth you see in their life and telling them about it - does more than just make their day. It keeps them on the path toward Christ. It keeps throwing water on the clay of their hearts and helps to facilitate the work the Potter wants to do.

So, ask yourself: Is today, Today? Yes? Then consider who you can encourage. Be that water on the clay.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Speaking The Truth
"Jesus Can Always Be Trusted (I Don’t Trust God, He Disappointed Me)”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Erin continues in our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Prayer Cont'd... (an important repeat)

I shared this information with you about a month ago but it's so important that it deserves a re-share. I don't want anyone to miss out on what we're doing in prayer as a church family!

What we want to encourage you to do this year is simply be intentional about praying. We want to link arms with you to pray for your needs, our church and for God to do amazing things in our community. We want to set time aside and use as many communication tools as possible to connect us together in prayer.

Sound interesting? We've created a new page on our website that highlights some new ways that we are putting prayer on our calendars, getting our hearts gathered in faith around needs and growing in our dependancy on God.

Click the button below and you'll see:

  • Deep Roots

  • Fast & Pray Wednesday

  • A place for your prayer requests

  • Prayer Network: receive prayer requests and reminders

Also, you're going to start to see and read more about the prayer needs of Freedom on all of our platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the email devotional. We want you to know what needs you can bring to God, that your needs are being prayed over, that we are bringing our church and community ministries to Him and we are seeking His purposes in everything we do at Freedom.

So, check out the new page and join us. We are intentionally putting prayer on our calendars and linking arms to see what God might do in and through us. If you're a new to prayer - this is a great way to get started! If you're an experienced intercessor - thank you for joining with us! If you're ready to build new spiritual disciplines in your life - welcome to the challenge!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Speaking The Truth
"WikiHow to Mom”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy leads a discussion with a panel of moms.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Conviction vs. Condemnation (who are you listening to?)

I've been thinking a lot lately about my thoughts. Deep, right? My suspicion is that most of us are constantly bombarded by negative thoughts about ourselves (and others and circumstances but we're going to narrow our focus here). How often do we feel discouraged? How often do we fail and become focused on our failure? How often do we shy away from people and experiences in order to protect ourselves from our vulnerabilities being exposed?

What do we do with all of these thoughts? I would say that it's vitally important to understand the difference between condemnation and conviction.

Condemnation is strong disapproval or criticism that carries the weight of punishment. There is no love and no grace in condemnation. There is no way to make up for your mistake or to be changed by receiving mercy. Condemnation in your thoughts, the way you think about an action, thought or motive, makes you feel worthless, hopeless, useless and unworthy of love.

Conviction is happening when our actions, thoughts or motives are checked by the Holy Spirit. He will point to certain things that are not in line with Christ's character, the fruit of the Spirit or the commands of Christ and show us where we've gone wrong. And while no one likes being told that they've made a mistake, conviction is done with grace, mercy, peace and way to be forgiven and transformed; relying on and trusting in Jesus

The question is this: what voice are you listening to? Do you allow the enemy to tell you that you are a failure and unloveable? Do you tell yourself that you will never be able to change or will always be afraid? Or, do you listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd through the Holy Spirit that leads you to life through your mistakes, mis-steps, sins and selfishness?

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Sprit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:1-2

The truth is, we did used to be under condemnation but now, because of Jesus, we are more than conquerors. We have the privilege of being challenged and changed by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Pay attention to your thoughts. Be sure that the voice you are listening to sounds like Jesus. Be sure that it leads you to mercy and forgiveness. Be sure that it challenges you to deeper discipleship. That's conviction and like any discipline it can be painful, but it leads to life and freedom.

Who are you listening to?

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Speaking The Truth
"Discipleship is Non-Negotiable (Devotions Are Boring)”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy starts our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Thursday Faith-Builder (be inspired by Hector & Ruth!)

Part of our mission as this local church is to support global workers (missionaries) in prayer and with finances as they reach around the world with the message of Jesus. And wow, do we ever have some amazing people strategically placed for incredible kingdom impact.

Hector and Ruth Aragon are in Guatemala as an extension of the church in Canada and doing incredible things. I wanted you to get to know them a bit better in this week's email so that you can pray for their ministry, their safety, their needs and their family. I also want you to know just how excellent these folks are and why we are so happy to be able to make them part of our 2019 Missions Giving Plan. Join us as we continue to support the Aragons in Guatemala.

Check out this video... you'll get a sense for their passion for Christ, their faith, their personalities and their long obedience to their ministry calling.

Partnering in mission with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

He is I AM
"Who Do You Say That I Am?”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy finishes our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Jesus is All (how very extraordinary)

This is no ordinary weekend. In fact, there is nothing ordinary about believing in Jesus. My CP1 group has been reading a very challenging book about discipleship. (The Great Omission by Dallas Willard) Every chapter reminds me of something that perhaps I take for granted in the day-to-day living of life: this life in Christ is actually extraordinary.

When you consider who He is, what He's done, what He's calling us to and what He's promised, well, it's truly extraordinary. That's what we're going to focus on this weekend. He is not just the one who can help us with our problems or give us peace in our circumstances (though He graciously does so), He is the Resurrection and the Life. The. He made a way for us that blows apart our bondages and brings dead things back to life. Real life. Abundant life. Eternal life.

So, as nice as it is to have a four-day weekend and new shoes for the season, here's a thought to fill your heart with gratitude and wonder over the next few days: Jesus is all and He invites us to live an extraordinary life through Him.

Let's celebrate His victory!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

He is I AM
"The Resurrection and The Life”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Let Us Pray (making time for what's important)

Regardless of your spiritual upbringing, your denominational background, or the current status of your faith, chances are good that you think that prayer is important. It's likely that you understand how vital it is to spiritual growth and to your overall walk with Christ. It's also likely that talking about prayer makes you feel: guilty (I know I should pray more!), bored (think: Saturday night prayer meetings as a child), confused (I never quite know what to say or do) or frustrated (I talk to God but never seem to hear from Him.)

While there are volumes and volumes of excellent teaching on prayer and countless seminars and sermons about practicing prayer, when it comes right down to it... do we pray?

What we want to encourage you to do this year is simply be intentional about praying. We want to link arms with you to pray for your needs, our church and for God to do amazing things in our community. We want to set time aside and use as many communication tools as possible to connect us together in prayer.

Sound interesting? We've created a new page on our website that highlights some new ways that we are putting prayer on our calendars, getting our hearts gathered in faith around needs and growing in our dependancy on God. Click the button below and you'll see:

  • Deep Roots

  • Fast & Pray Wednesday

  • A place for your prayer requests

  • Prayer Network: receive prayer requests and reminders

Also, you're going to start to see and read more about the prayer needs of Freedom on all of our platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the email devotional. We want you to know what needs you can bring to God, that your needs are being prayed over, that we are bringing our church and community ministries to Him and we are seeking His purposes in everything we do at Freedom.

So, check out the new page and join us. We are intentionally putting prayer on our calendars and linking arms to see what God might do in and through us. If you're a new to prayer - this is a great way to get started! If you're an experienced intercessor - thank you for joining with us! If you're ready to build new spiritual disciplines in your life - welcome to the challenge!

Joining my heart with yours,
Pastor Tracy

PS - Can't get this old Steven Curtis Chapman song out of my head... might as well share it!

This Sunday

He is I AM
"The True Vine”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as our guest speaker, Rev. Frank Patrick, continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Asking For Time (slowing down to hear God)

In my devotional reading a verse caught my attention in a passage I've read many times before. It's found in the story of Daniel interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2. Daniel was under extreme pressure. Not only did the king want his dream interpreted, he wanted someone to tell him what his dream was to prove they weren't making something up. In fact, the king was so angry with and suspicious of his astrologers that he was planning to end all of their lives unless they could do what he asked. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were on the hit list (v.13).

It's under this kind of stress (threat of death!) that Daniel goes to see the king. And here is how scripture records this interaction:

At this, Daniel went into the king and asked for time so that he might interpret the dream for him.
— Daniel 2:16, emphasis mine

I know that my first instinct wouldn't be to calmly ask the homicidal king for some time. I would try to find a solution and bring it to him or hide and beg God for an answer that would save my life. Both of those might be valid action plans but Daniel asks for time.

My heart was challenged by this. How often to I rush to a solution without taking the time to really ask the Lord what His heart is? How often do I make plans and then ask God to bless them instead of spending time in prayer, waiting in His presence until I know the direction that He wants me to take?

Andrew Murray says it like this: "Learn to say about every want, failure, or lack of grace you need, 'I have not waited enough on God. He would have given me all I needed in due season.'" (from Power in Prayer & Waiting on God)

So let me encourage you to ask for time. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you take the time you need to pray for your needs and wait for His answer. Ask for time from those around you who are pressing you for answers that you don't have. And then take the time to slow down in a "tyranny of the urgent", stressed-out world to hear the voice of God speaking. And then, step out in obedience to what He says.

Asking for time along with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

He is I AM
"The Way, The Truth, The Life”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Erin continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

No Substitute (the necessity of sharing hope in Christ)

This Sunday is the fifth Sunday in March... so, we're ready to celebrate something great about the life of the church with you. This week's theme is: the church's mission. We're going to explore the major ways that we reach beyond our own family and church community and impact the world for Christ. I know it's going to be encouraging and challenging. And, of course, there will be food! How can we celebrate being a part of the body of Christ without a meal? This potluck is all about bringing your favourite international dish. We will feast!

As plans were coming together for this service, I read this article by Tim Keller: How to Be More Public with Your Faith. It briefly outlines some of the reasons that it is difficult to share our faith while reminding us that there has perhaps never been more of a need to. Challenging to say the least. I wanted to leave this with you as food for thought as we prepare to meet together on Sunday and be reminded about the mission that we've been given as believers.

So go ahead and prepare your heart, your mind and your meal for Sunday morning!

See you then,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Church’s Mission

Join us on Sunday at 10am as we celebrate church life together!

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Are You Comfortable? (the answer: yes and no)

I've done a few things in the past couple of weeks that have been outside of my normal routines. They've been little challenges that have come to me as opportunities to step out of my comfort zone. I've found myself frequently with butterflies in my stomach, wondering why I had said yes. Why break out of what I know and where I feel safe? It can be pretty nerve-wracking to think of being vulnerable and knowing that there is a good possibility of making a mistake. So, while I'm on my way to one of these opportunities I inevitably find myself second guessing my yes.

But I've started to realize that one of the keys to life is being securely comfortable in the right things so that you can be mindfully uncomfortable in ways that help you to grow.

There are some things that I am striving to become more and more comfortable with; things that I have settled and cannot be shaken from. These include the vast and sacrificial love that God has for me (yes, insignificant me!), His grace that is free and freely given because of Christ, His goodness and perfection in all things, the power that is available to me by the indwelling Holy Spirit... just to name a few. These anchors of my identity are things I want to grow more and more comfortable with every day. I want to wear them like a garment.

This, of course, doesn't mean that I want to take any of it for granted. Certainly not! But I strive to live in the security of belonging to Christ.

And from that place I am able to step outside of what is comfortable for me in the routines of my life. When I am secure as a daughter of God I can step out in faith, be useful to the Kingdom in new ways and say yes to things that scare me.

Who dictates the next yes in your life? Your comforts or the God of All Comfort?

Walking in the challenge with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

”I AM the Gate for the Sheep”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Bjorn continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Turn, Turn, Turn (yep, that's a Byrds reference... and also Solomon)

I am writing this devotional a few weeks ahead of when you'll see it. The only reason that matters is because it's still February on the calendar but I'm thinking about March 14th. The Weather Network says that the weeks between the writing and publishing of these words will mark the last furious days of winter and a sudden transition to spring. Is it possible that a warm breeze will be blowing and birds will start to tentatively chirp when you open this email?

I'm thinking about March 14th and what spring feels like when it arrives because it's no secret that I'm not a fan of winter. I'm over it by December 26th when it's less than an official week old. What I am a big fan of is seasons. I love living in this part of Canada where we have four distinct seasons. No matter what season you are in, it won't last forever. Maybe you are lamenting the melting of the snow. (You are strange but I choose to love you anyway.) Don't worry, it will be back. It's just a matter of the seasons changing again.

This concept, as it is played out so beautifully in nature, is very encouraging to me. Our lives are not one-dimensional, they are not a single chord sustaining. They are ever-changing and as surprising as they are routine. I love the way that God has made us; not to remain stagnate or stuck, but to move toward what's next. We are shown in nature the beauty of this momentum, a picture of us continually moving through our lives, sojourners on our way from season to season until we see Him face to face.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens... He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
— Ecclesiastes 3:1,11

So let's take a cue from nature as we (hopefully!) watch the season change around us over these next days (weeks?). There will be seasons of new life, seasons of intense heat, seasons of refreshing, and seasons of quiet waiting in our walk with Christ. He is with us through each and every one and has ordered your steps through every season... even if it's not your favourite one.

Looking forward to spring,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

”I AM the Light of the World”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Bjorn continues in our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

What the deal with Lent? (preparing for Easter, not the Easter Bunny)

This week's devotional is coming out a day earlier than usual. Why? Because today is an important day on the church calendar. It's the first day of Lent. Our church tradition doesn't always emphasize some of the key days on the liturgical Christian calendar but there is a lot of value in understanding why Christ-followers throughout the centuries have celebrated seasons as an important part of their faith journey.

I wanted to share a great article I found that simply introduces the idea of Lent and how it can help us to prepare our hearts for Easter. It's about much more than giving up coffee or chocolate for 40 days... it's about examining our hearts, recognizing our need for a Saviour and being ready to celebrate His sacrifice and triumph on Easter weekend.

Perhaps this can be something new and challenging in your journey into what's next in your spiritual life. Rob and I will be taking up the journey of Lent for the next 40 days. Join us as we intentionally turn our attention toward the cross and the victory He has won.

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

”I AM the Bread of Life”

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Who Do You Say That I Am? (the nature of God revealed in Jesus)

In Exodus 3 we read the famous account of Moses and the Burning Bush. God appears to Moses in a mysterious and awesome way and as Moses has barely untied his sandals to mark the holiness of the moment, he starts in with a series of 'yeah buts.'

The first question makes good sense... "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?" Truly, who was he? A murderer, a runaway, a foster child, a shepherd - certainly not the qualifications or pedigree to be the best spokesperson for Israel.

But the second question provokes an answer from God that begins to reveal His divine nature in ways that will change our understanding of Him forever and ripple through time to reveal His Son, Jesus, to us.

“Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” (v.13-14)
— Exodus 3:13-14

"I AM WHO I AM" All caps. Who is this God who would describe Himself like that? What kind of a statement is that and what does it tell us about Him?

Throughout our next series, we are going to take this name and use it to get to know God more deeply. But we're not going to stay in Exodus. We're going to go to the book of John and see how Jesus describes Himself using the same language. As we head toward Easter we'll listen for the same question that He asked Peter, "Who do you say that I am?"

I'm looking forward to exploring the nature of God and how they were revealed in Christ over the next few weeks. Jesus truly is the centre. He is all.

In Christ,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy launches our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Jesus in You (then church with a friend)

Go ahead and invite people to church. But make it one step in a journey of drawing them to Jesus. A journey that usually begins by getting to know them – and inviting them to see a genuine expression of Jesus in us. It’s nice to go to a church that’s friendly. It’s better to go to church with a friend.
— Karl Vaters

Here's a simple challenge as you go about your week and head into the weekend. (Click the image below to read the full article.) Let's not ever limit how God can use us in our day-to-day lives or how He can speak through us to the people we rub shoulders with every day. I am praying that you have many opportunities to share with others the hope that you carry with you... and I'm excited to meet the friends that you share Jesus with when you bring them to church!

This week we are starting the sequel to our Bible Says Whut? series. It's all about taking a look at some difficult passages of scripture and learning how to understand them. Like last time you'll come away with tools for studying the Bible on your own. We want you to develop the curiosity and confidence to engage with scripture... even when you have to pause and say, whut?

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

We're excited to be hosting this event again on Family Day, February 18th! (Click the photo for details.)

Are you available to help us welcome and serve our neighbours? Email Erin today!

This Sunday

A Call for Silence

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy kicks continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Got Questions? (the Bible can handle them)

We decided to circle back to our Bible Says Whut? series because there is so much to explore in scripture. We won't be able to cover every word in any sermon series that we do but that's OK because you don't need a sermon to be able to understand the Bible. I trust that Sunday messages have content that teach and challenge you but there is always more to learn and new ways to grow.

Do you feel confident that you can read the Bible and understand what you're reading? Are you tempted to skip over the passages that are uncomfortable or confusing? You're not alone. So, the heart behind this series is to remind every believer that they have the Bible is amazing and can be explored by anyone, even without a theological degree. There are resources that can help us to dig through challenging passages and learn to know God more and more every day through His Word. Very, very exciting stuff.

So, if you're intimidated or don't know where to start, let me recommend Priscilla Shirer's "5 Ps of Bible Study." Watch the video below and click on the link for a downloadable PDF that you can keep in your Bible. The next time you're reading a passage that you don't understand, pull out the 5 Ps and see how scripture is opened up to you. It can definitely handle your questions!

As always, if I can help in any way just give me a shout!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

”Who’s in Charge?'“

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Bjorn continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Fun. Family. Connect. Community. (Family Day has it all!)

Community Connections is back in February with our 3rd Annual Williamsburg Winter Fun Family Day!

This Family Day we have the opportunity to connect with our community by partnering with the Williamsburg Community Centre to host a Family Day event. We did this for the second time last year and I am excited to see it continue.  

My Community Connection opportunity and challenge to you this month is to get involved in some way with the Winter Fun Family Day.

I know that this opportunity has been handed to us for the third year in a row and I believe God has plans, BIG plans, for every life that is connected with this event.  

Why not make part of your Family Day about ministering for Christ together as a family? Maybe this year Family Day doesn't have to be only about pyjamas and pancakes (or insert your preferred activity here). Maybe it can be about that AND serving your community together as a FAMILY!

Here's how you can get involved:

  • Pray - Pray for this event to be a time of connection with the community and Freedom that goes beyond the event and sees lives transformed.

  • Volunteer - We need people to hand out snacks, run crafts, direct traffic, play road hockey, set up, tear down and more. Email me if you and your family would like to volunteer:

  • Bring Your Family and Participate - This event needs to be more than just opening our doors to the community. The real impact comes from our Freedom Family being present, interacting and making connections with those who come. Even if you can't volunteer, come and join in the fun.

  • Invite Other Families - Invite your neighbours to come out and enjoy two hours of free games and activities.

Give me a shout if you have any questions. Thanks for investing in and connecting with our community!

Erin Jamieson
Community Ministries Director

Did you get a chance to read our 2019 Missions Giving Plan yet? Check it out.

This Sunday

Happy Is He

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy kicks off our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Living Generously (what's next for giving?)

On Sunday I took a few moments to share our 2019 Missions Giving Plan with you. Living generous lives doesn't happen by accident. It happens when we are intentional with our resources, making everything available to God to use for His kingdom. It happens when we think of everything we have in this life as a gift to steward and we recognize who the true Owner is. This is true of all of our resources: our time, our talent and our finances.

Rob and I invite you to join our family as we make a financial plan for this coming year that demonstrates our commitment to stewarding our resources and stretches our faith in new ways. We continue to set aside our tithe first and ask God to show us how else we can support mission and ministry sacrificially. I'm not just giving lip service when I tell you that we love to do this because of the freedom and blessing we find in generosity. We want to grow in this area of discipleship and we encourage you to make this a part of what's next for you, too!

The button below will take you the plan for our church's plan to give to missions this year. If you weren't here on Sunday go ahead and click on that so you can join us in giving over and above this year.

Can't wait to get started,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Know God

Join us on Sunday at 10am as Pastor Del concludes our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.