
What Does 30% Mean? (what you need to know about church this weekend and next)

We were in the middle of a Zoom staff meeting when the Premier announced that places of worship could reopen to 30% capacity. Wow - we had planned for a lot of possibilities but hadn't expected that one just yet! Within a few hours I started to hear from some of you asking what our service would look like on Sunday. I'm so glad that there was so much interest - yeah church!

Take a look at this video for an overview of how our plans are coming together so you'll be totally in-the-know. Here are the highlights:

  • Livestream will continue on Sunday as it has been for the past few months. Continue to share, comment and interact as much as you can!

  • Next Sunday, June 21, we are hoping to open the church as a livestream viewing site. Service will still be livestreamed as normal but there will be an option to RSVP to come and view it together with others. In other words, the service won't be live from the church, but we'll show the livestream on the screen in the sanctuary. (Seating capacity is 50 people at this time.)

  • Many new protocols will be in place for gathering at 30% of capacity. These will be easy to find on our web page early next week and will be a part of the RSVP process as well.

We really want to see you and be together again. At the same time we are proceeding with caution to ensure that we do everything with much care and in compliance with our governments guidelines... which are still being issued and clarified as you receive this email.

These are INCREDIBLE times in so many ways. We will not be looking for the best way to get back to doing everything exactly the same as it was before. We're looking for all the ways that this tragic pandemic has allowed us new opportunities to share Christ and "go into all the world and make disciples". (Matthew 28:19)

I want to urge you to consider these next few weeks very carefully and think about the new connections, friendships and opportunities to serve your neighbours that this crisis has created. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to share the message of the gospel in new and creative ways and use every opportunity for the Kingdom. What could our community look like if we all invited someone to church with us who has been checking out the livestream, or, as restrictions allow, invited a neighbour family over for a meal and got to know their story, or offered to take someone through First Steps who has been asking questions about faith over the past few months? What could happen???

I pray that the Holy Spirit, who is alive and active in each life, would have the hearts, minds and ears of this church and we would be changed forever for the sake of Christ and doing His world in the world around us.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

I’m Hurt

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

David + Feelings + Quarantine + You (getting emotional)

First, I want you to know that we are going to be sharing Communion on Sunday morning so be sure to have some emblems ready at home. (Any juice and crackers/bread is fine.)

Second, this has been a very emotional and tumultuous week as the world responds to anti-black racism and its implications that are brought to light with this issue. If you don't know what to say or how to respond, I'm with you. But let me say very simply that even if you aren't sure what to add to the conversation, first and foremost be a person of prayer. Pray for justice and equality for all people who are created in the image of God and pray that your own heart would be humble and repentant so that we can truly represent Christ and His Kingdom in the world. We invite you to join us for corporate prayer about this and many other things on Monday night for Deep Roots - 7:00 Worship on FB Live, 7:30 Prayer in Messenger Room.

Finally, the combination of the above two things has come as a divine setup for our service on Sunday and for the month of June. The cross is the great equalizer. No one earns their way there. No one has failed so many times that they can't make it there. We're all invited.

Isolation has done something uncomfortable to a lot of us - exposed some big feelings. Anger, frustration, anxiety, hurt, fear, loneliness and injustice to just name a few. Crisis has a way of exposing what is just under the surface, amplifying what was already there and even causing us to experience emotions we've never had before.

What do we do when we all these feelings swell up and threaten to overwhelm us? How do we respond as Christ-followers to our big emotions?

We are going to look to the life and writings of David to help us navigate through this season. Or, if what we're teaching doesn't apply to you, it may help your friend, family member, child or co-worker.

There is a way to be #inmyfeelings while trusting God and responding to Him.

Let's talk about it. And invite someone to join us.

This week: FAILURE

Can't wait until Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

I’m A Failure

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

The Pentecostal Mission(ary) (a chat with the Aragons)

It was my great privilege to talk with Ruth & Hector Aragon, Global Workers in Guatemala that we support as a church. They are a JOY.

We were supposed to be hosting them in our 5th service this Sunday and even though we aren't able to do that, I didn't want to miss an opportunity to still be able to hear from them.

Specifically, as we get ready to celebrate Pentecost this weekend, I asked them to share how they see the Holy Spirit at work on their mission field and in their ministry. Take a listen to our conversation by clicking the image below.

We love this couple and I know you're going to be so encouraged by them!

See you on Sunday morning,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Advocate
The Promise

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Need some help praying? (the Advocate helps with that, too!)

Have you found yourself a little lost in how to pray lately? There are a lot of needs all around us and some are struggling emotionally and spiritually.

Keeping in step with our series about the Holy Spirit this month, I want to simply remind you that He has already promised to help us to know how to pray when we are weak and don't know what to say. Check out Romans 8:26-27.

And not only that, there are so many prayers in scripture that you can go to at any time when you don't have the words. What a gift.

Pastors Erin prayed many of these prayers in our service on March 29th and these passages always speak deeply to my heart. No surprise, of course, since the words of these prayers are literally breathed by God Himself, illuminated to us by the Holy Spirit.

So I offer these prayers to you again as anchor for your hearts this week. The Holy Spirit continues to be our advocate!

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Advocate
The Giver

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

What are YOU thinking? (we really want to know)

This week, we want to hear from you. We've linked up with a great resource from the Barna Group and Gloo that has been constantly polling churches and pastors through this crisis and keeping a pulse on how things are going. I've been tracking this this for several weeks and have found it extremely helpful.

Now there's a new assessment that helps churches understand how people are feeling about getting back together in person. We've heard anecdotally from some of our Freedom family, seen some posts on social media and are thinking these things through for our own families as well. But what would really help us is to hear from each and every one of you, for yourself or on behalf of your household.

Click here to take the Returning to Church Check-In.

NOTE: Question 1 can be understood as, "When," not "As," since restrictions regarding church gatherings are still in place in Ontario at this time.

We'll be sending out something similar again the future so that we can better understand how things are changing in real-time as this pandemic evolves and our governments lift and change restrictions going forward.

There are no right or wrong answers. It's okay to say that you're not sure. It's okay if your spouse take the assessment and answers differently than you.

Thanks for participating!
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Advocate
The Work

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Week for Honouring Others (thank you, Freedom Staff!)

Mother's Day is all about taking a moment to honour the amazing women in our lives. I know you're thinking about how you will do this on Sunday for your mom/grandma/aunt/mentor. (Kudos to Rob, he's already asked me what I want for lunch on Sunday.) In that spirit, I want to publicly honour a few people who are making a huge difference in how we are able to connect, train and impact as a church.

Pastor Erin is connecting everyone together in dynamic ways as this crisis evolves. She facilitates our Connecting Point Facebook Group, receives and deploys prayer requests to our prayer teams and keeps track of everyone in our church family and how we can help one another.

You may not see or hear from Kaitlin while we're socially distanced but she's moved her work station to her house and keeps the wheels on the bus. For real. And she's doing it while homeschool her elementary aged kids.

If you don't have kids you may not know that Margaret is facilitating a fun and engaging digital kids ministry. From her strategically chaotic KidzConnect Zoom calls, to the weekly challenges on the Freedom Kids Facebook Group, to surprising families with treats, and, of course, preparing engaging Sunday School teaching every week, our kids continued to be discipled.

Our Youth Pastor has been so intentional to meet our youth where they are online... mostly Instagram! Besides a super engaging IG channel with devotionals, mid-week teaching, and fun content, our youth and youth leaders continue to meet weekly on Zoom where they have had spiritual challenges, guest speakers and all kinds of crazy activities to keep them connected with each other and growing in Christ.

And beyond Rob's main ministry of keeping me sane as we work from home, he continues to bring the church together on Sundays through the livestream. Coming alongside the critical weekly contribution from Matt Jamieson, he is supporting all of the elements that make services dynamic and tell the great stories of what God is doing.

So, I honour each of these leaders and their contribution to equipping the church for the work of the ministry. Thank you, team, for leaning into this season with flexibility and dedication and love for the Church. You make my heart very happy.

Thank you, church, for praying for each of us as we work together with you for the Kingdom.

Pastor Tracy

PS - DIGITAL MOTHER'S DAY! Last chance to record a short video for an amazing woman in your life. Email to record with Pastor Erin between 10:30-11:00. Let's do it!

This Sunday

The Advocate
The Comforter

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Missions and Our Mission (the gospel keeps advancing)

Want to hear some good news? Our global workers are still seeing the gospel moving! Click the video link for 90 seconds of encouragement from Jeremy Feller, our mission partner in Ethiopia.

Whenever I hear from someone like Jeremy I think about my life and my mission right here in Kitchener. How can I see the gospel advance in my neighbourhood? How can my life be counted as making a difference for the kingdom?

Like Jeremy says, while we're not able to go too far from home, there are so many ways to continue to be the church that we are. As you invite someone to church online and interact with them, as you reach out to that person who has been on your mind to be a listening ear, as you financially support those who are in need, as you meet practical needs in the lives of people around you, you continue to make a statement about the grace and care and love of Christ.

We pray that this kind of effort makes a huge impact on the hearts of everyone this church reaches, that people would understand who Christ is and trust Him with their lives. We pray that every person who is discouraged or overwhelmed would learn through the encouragement of this church that He really has given us everything we need for a godly life.

How is your life on mission today?

Some of you know exactly how to answer the question, some aren't sure where to start. Here's a short list of ways to get moving in the right direction if you need some help!

  • Get on the Prayer Team (

  • Offer to help as needs arise (

  • Reach out to someone you haven't heard from in a while

  • Invite someone to church and text with them during the service or have lunch with them over FaceTime afterward

  • Give - invest your finances in the work of the ministry

  • Join a CP group so you can connect with and encourage others as you learn

  • Make a meal and bring it to a family who needs a night off of making dinner

  • Really, whatever the Lord has put on your heart to do!

And that making a meal one is more than an idea, it's a plan we're working on. So many people in our lives don't need grocery pickups or financial assistance necessarily, they need a break from working from home while trying to homeschool their kids. It's a simple, beautiful way to extend hospitality in this season. Want to get involved in it? Just email Pastor Erin... and we'll talk about it more in the coming weeks.

Church, the gospel is advancing all over the world. Let's continue to commit ourselves to being a part of that advancement right here in KW.

Pastor Tracy

PS - More information about our 2020 Missions Giving Plan can be found here.

This Sunday

The Advocate
The Truth

Join us this Sunday at 10am on Facebook Live as Pastor Erin starts our new series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Consider This (love and good deeds in spring 2020)

I know that the shine has worn off of this social distancing thing... if it ever had any shine at all. This forced pause has had some up sides and the rush to take our world (church, work, school, social lives) online has settled into something we never could have imagined a few weeks ago.

I get that it's less exciting to comment on every Facebook post and follow every IG story.

So can I invite you to add something to your online life that will stay with you long after we are able to meet in person?

Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging on another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Connecting Point isn't the only answer to the command in these verses but we offer it to our church as a really effective way to be in community, encourage and be encouraged, challenge and be challenged, not giving up on meeting together and all the growth and inspiration that comes with that.

Consider joining a group for May and June. This is a new season with new opportunities to learn and grow, redeeming all the crazy for God's good purposes in our lives!

Here are some options for you:

  • Life in the Spirit: taught by Pastor Del, moderated by Pastor Tracy via Zoom - Tuesdays @ 7:30pm (if the group is big, we can break into small group "rooms" for discussion after the lesson!)

  • First Steps: groups will be arranged as registrations are received.

  • Sisters Women's Group: led by Pastor Erin via Zoom - Wednesdays @ 8:00

  • NEXT Courses: self-directed studies that can be coordinated into groups upon request.

How are you considering how to spur yourself and others on toward love and good deeds this spring? We may not be in the same room but we are just as passionate about CONNECTING, TRAINING and IMPACTING!

Looking forward to seeing you in a CP group,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Revealing Jesus
Righteous Judge & Coming King

Join us this Sunday at 10am on Facebook Live as Pastor Tracy continues our Easter series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Okay, now what? (redeeming the time)

Here we are, about a month after social distancing began and to be frank, we're all over the map. In equal measures I've heard us saying that we are:

  • busier than ever (homeschooling kids + working from home!)

  • have way to much time on our hands (no sports, no activities, no little ones at home)

  • stressed because everything is harder (lining up for groceries, simple household tasks, disinfecting all the time)

  • anxious while working in an essential service (thank you, sincerely!)

  • and everything in between

In truth, all of this happened so fast that no matter what your isolation looks like, it's a lot different than life was a few weeks ago.

But happily, one of the things I hear a lot is that you want to redeem the time, to use it wisely. You want to start doing devotions with your kids and some of the obstacles you've had before have been removed. You want to read and learn more and now Netflix is kind of losing its shine. You want to be physically healthy and being locked down to one location has given you the drive to get up and do something.

For me, now that the initial rush and crazy of this crisis has settled in a strange new normal, I am turning my attention to making sure that this time is not wasted. I'm asking myself how I can build new foundations and habits in my life that I've always known I've wanted and needed.

And yet, it can still be hard to turn these opportunities into something real.

So I'm calling us all to action. No, not to a complicated schedule that you have to follow! (Homeschoolers, you have enough of this going on. Praying blessing on all of you.)

Here's the challenge: Pause today and ask the Lord to show you one thing that you now have the space and time to do like never before. God speaks to us in different ways but if you listen, you'll hear Him. Maybe it will be something you read, something you see online, or an idea that just comes to mind. Lean into that. Write it down and start on it today.

While we can't choose what is happening in the world or in our current circumstances so much of the time, we can choose to allow God to work in us to redeem every season for HIs purposes in and through us. I have my "thing". I'm going to start today. How about you?

Pastor Tracy

Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
— Psalm 90:12
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
— Ecclesiastes 3:1
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.
— Proverbs 16:9

This Sunday

Revealing Jesus
The Word of God

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our Easter series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

The Lord's Table at Your Table (how to do communion at home)

As we prepare for Easter weekend, you may have heard that our Good Friday communion service is still happening... livestreamed to your home. (FB Live, just like Sunday.)

You might wonder - how is that going to work? I don't know how to do my own communion! What should I say? I'm going to be so awkward!

Never fear. Communion is both simple and profound. It doesn't require any special title or designation to serve it to yourself or your family other than "Follower of Jesus". And if you look forward to it as another act of worship on Friday, it will be beautiful and not awkward.

But also, let me help just a bit.


  • Please have some communion emblems prepared before service begins on Friday. Grape juice and bread are great but do your best with what you have. If you need help getting communion emblems to your house, just let us know and we'll do our best to make it happen.

  • I will be reading from 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 . If you can, have your Bible(s) open to that passage so you can read along with me.

  • We'll have a moment for reflection and confession that you can participate in at home. Then I'll lead us through taking the emblems together.

  • The best thing you can do is try and create an atmosphere that allows for these moments to be worshipful, thoughtful, and full of gratitude.

With Kids:

I know that last point in the section above might be hard to do with little ones at home. Blessings on your efforts. :) Margaret is sending out a great resource to help to prepare the kids for taking communion. Here's an excerpt that is helpful for adults and kids alike:

  • During communion you will get a piece of bread and a little bit of juice.

  • When we eat the bread, we remember that Jesus' body was broken for our sins.

  • When we drink the juice, we remember the promise that we can be set free from all sin through Jesus' shed blood.

  • We take a moment to be quiet and think about all of our sins - all the things we need to say "I'm sorry" for, and we ask Jesus to forgive us.

  • We take a moment to pray and say "Thank You, Jesus, for your sacrifice. You have set me free!"

This weekend is going to be beautiful. Truly. With the extra space and quiet that the pandemic has created, we will have the chance to gather and reflect on the cross in new ways. We will be able to look at the suffering of Jesus with fresh perspective, knowing that He understands all of our heartache in our world right now and cares about every fear. We will be given the chance to lament and pour out our hearts to the Man of Sorrows and prepare our hearts for the celebration of Sunday.

I'm looking forward to all of it. See you on Friday at 10:00, gathered around the Lord's Table at your table.

Pastor Tracy


Easter Sunday

While there's no shame in wearing sweatpants to watch church on livestream... on Easter Sunday we're challenging everyone to dress in their Easter best and gather at the screen to celebrate the resurrection of Christ with us! (And, of course, we want you to take a photo and share it with us!) Let's mark the significance of this day in every way we can.

Check our Facebook page for an invitation to our Easter service you can share.

This Sunday

Revealing Jesus
Alpha and Omega

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our Easter series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Easter Weekend Celebrations and More! (be in the know)

Ready for a few updates? Here we go!

There is a lot going on at church! Sure, the format of things has changed, but we love how we've been hearing from you and all the ways we are connecting with you.

Please don't forget that if you need help/prayer or want to help/pray, head over to Freedom Responds and let us know. Let's do everything we can to BE THE CHURCH in the middle of this crisis.

I know that many of us are tired or overwhelmed. We are with you and we are for you. We love you and are praying that in the strangeness of these days, when it can be hard to find your footing, you will know the peace and presence of Christ. In any way you can think of, be sure to connect together, encourage one another and share with others the hope you have in Jesus no matter what is happening in the world around us.

The Lord bless and keep you.

Pastor Tracy


Good Friday

For this special service I invite you to gather around the table with your family and join my family for worship and communion from our home. Any kind of bread and juice will do but if you need some communion supplies, we'd be happy to arrange a contactless pickup or drop-off for you.


Easter Sunday

While there's no shame in wearing sweatpants to watch church on livestream... on Easter Sunday we're challenging everyone to dress in their Easter best and gather at the screen to celebrate the resurrection of Christ with us! (And, of course, we want you to take a photo and share it with us!) Let's mark the significance of this day in every way we can.

Pavilion Project Logo.png

Our Pavilion Project has been postponed until 2021. We are looking forward to when we are able to break ground on this building safely and celebrate its completion together with our neighbours. We'll keep you up-to-date when we have a start date in our calendars!


The Annual Business Meeting has been postponed until further notice to ensure full participation of our membership. It will be great to get together, share vision and do business when it is possible.

This Sunday

Revealing Jesus
The Root of David

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy starts our Easter series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Living Bread and Bread (fed by the Word and one another)

If you've been around church long enough you might remember (or still have!) a little plastic loaf of bread with scripture verse cards sticking out of it. It was inscribed with "Our Daily Bread". (I just checked - you can still get them on Amazon!)

Jesus said in John 6:51: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."

So Jesus is the One who gives true life and truly sustains us.

John 1:1,14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us."

We have every reason to celebrate and treasure the scriptures. Jesus is the Living Word, our Daily Bread, and He fulfills the Law and the Prophets and speaks through the Bible. Amazing.

Here's what else is amazing - that never changes; not in the midst of a pandemic, not while you're facing a layoff, not while your kids' school year is uncertain and no matter what is announced in the next press conference. He is still speaking, He is still giving hope and life and peace to everyone who trusts in Him. He is still answering prayer. He is still with us. I have planted two feet firmly in these truths.

On Sunday, we are going to gather around the Word and remember how powerful it is to speak into our lives, into the lives of our family members and into the lives of everyone God has put in our lives. We are walking into unprecedented times with an opportunity to mobilize as His Church like never before. I invite you to join me on Sunday and celebrate the Word together with your church family and allow your heart to be anchored there again.

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Tracy


Here's what's coming up on our livestream service via Facebook this week...

  • Songs of worship with Rob (listen ahead of time on YouTubeSpotify or iTunes)

  • Prayer from scripture with Pastor Erin

  • A kids moment with Miss Margaret

  • Pastor Tracy's message from 2 Timothy 3:13-17

  • Closing song: The Blessing

  • Lobby Time with Pastor Tracy

NOTE: If you are not a Facebook user, never fear! Go to and you will be able to watch the livestream. (Some features will be disabled if you are not logged in.)

The video of the service will be available on our Facebook page shortly after it is finished. It will also be uploaded to YouTube within a few hours - find it through our website. So may options for you to stay connected!

This Sunday

Celebrating the Word


Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

How are you different? (this week's call to action!)

In this series we've been celebrating the Word. We had lots of great things planned for 5th Sunday, March 29th, not the least of which was a potluck after the service, but, you know, our plans have definitely changed!

But even in the midst of change (and even better than the dishes that we would have shared that Sunday), we still want to find ways to celebrate the Word. Here's what I'd love - to hear the stories of how Scripture has made an impact in your life. Have you had a moment of encouragement, direction, correction or anything else from reading the Bible?

I can't tell you how helpful it would be to your church family to hear your story.

We don't need to be in the same room to share this kind of celebration.

Here's your call to action. Click this link and tell me about a time when the Bible has made a significant impact in your life. It doesn't need to be long or complicated, just a simple testimony of how incredible the Word of God is that will challenge and encourage others. (I'll be sure to get your permission before we share any story publicly.)

I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yeah, you. Don't leave it to someone else. You have a story to tell and we're ready to hear it!

Also, here's an outline of what you can expect from our livestream service on Facebook this week...

  • A couple of songs of worship

  • A kids moment with Miss Margaret

  • A message from Romans 7

  • Closing thoughts and live Q&A with Pastor Tracy

The service will run about 45 minutes. We'll be live a few minutes before 10:00 so jump onto our Facebook page and be sure to CHECK IN, SAY HI in the comments and let your church family know that you're watching with them! Our staff will be online with you to respond to your thoughts, comments and questions as we worship together.

See you on Sunday!

Pastor Tracy

Our Easter series starts on Palm Sunday, April 5th. Who are you inviting?

Revealing Jesus.jpg

This Sunday

The Bible Says Whut? Part 3
Romans 7

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor concludes our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Easter is Coming! (He is risen indeed!)

A month from today is my favourite day of the year - Easter Sunday. We have been working on our special services for Easter weekend and the message series around it for weeks and weeks. No surprise, but I - CANNOT - WAIT.

This year our theme is "Revealing Jesus". Every message is taken from the book of Revelation, specifically the different titles and names that Jesus is called, and what they reveal about who He is. Starting on Palm Sunday and using Revelation as a reference we're going to do our best to reveal Jesus week after week.

The question is: who are you bringing with you to hear about Him this Easter? Is there a co-worker that has been asking you questions about faith this past year? Is there a family member who has shown interest in church lately? Is there a friend who is looking for something more in their life? Whoever it is and whatever their background, Jesus is, in fact, the answer. We believe that with all of our hearts and it is our privilege to shout it from the rooftops as often as we can and definitely in this season.

One month until Easter Sunday. Link arms with your church family and together let's bring the hope of Christ to as many people as we can. Will you join me and bring someone with you?

He is risen indeed!

Pastor Tracy

Revealing Jesus.jpg

This Sunday

The Bible Says Whut? Part 3

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

People Investing in People (it's Ray of Hope!)

Allow me to introduce you to or reacquaint you with one of our missions partners. Ray of Hope works right here in Kitchener and provides life-changing services to people in need. They demonstrate the love of Christ to those who are disadvantaged, marginalized, or troubled. Their vision is: "People investing in people. Inspiring Hope. Transforming Life." Wow - it's no wonder that we count it a privilege to partner with Ray of Hope. Their vision and ours share so much in common.

Ray of Hope works in so many different areas of our community. Specifically, they focus on:

  • Community Support

  • Refugee Support

  • Youth Justice

  • Youth Employment

  • Youth Addiction

For the past several years we have been sending a team every other month to make and serve a meal at the Ray of Hope Community Centre. This year, even as we continue to do that, we have a plan to raise funds over and above the cost of the food to be able to bless their ministry in some way at the end of the year. 

We appreciate everyone who has served with our Freedom team at Ray of Hope and invite you to get involved if you want to participate with us. (Just email Katie and let her know you're interested.)

Thank you for partnering with us as we support this great work in our community and our missions families!

See you on Sunday, 

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Bible Says Whut? Part 3
3 John

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Finding Out WHUT the Bible Says (and prizes to boot!)

On Sunday we started part three of our Bible Says Whut? series. It's all about digging into difficult or neglected parts of scripture and building up skills and confidence to study the Bible for ourselves. It is always so much fun for me to prepare for these messages!

This time around we're going to add some incentive to dig deeper into the Bible. We've created age-specific challenges that will encourage good habits in the Word and also make you eligible to win a sparkly new study Bible of your very own. (Don't count yourself out if you already have a Bible that you love because if you win you could give the best gift ever to someone that you care about!)

Here's the challenges for each age group in our church family...

JK - Grade 2: Learn & recite the books in the New Testament in order.
Grade 3 - 6: Learn & recite the books of the Old and New Testament in order.
Miss Margaret will be sending some more information for our kids so check your inbox.

Grade 7 - 8: Take notes in four sermons in the month of March (Friday or Sunday).
Grade 9 - 12: Complete the YouVersion reading plan assigned by Pastor.
Pastor will be talking to the youth about this so listen and watch for that.

Adults: Complete a 28-day streak in the YouVersion app.
Read whatever you want, just be sure the "streak" on your home page reaches 28.

We'll have some stations set up on 5th Sunday, March 29 when you come to church so that you can show your work and enter your name to win one of the Bible prizes.

Um, yeah. This is going to be fun. I. Can't. Wait.

And, of course, 5th Sunday is going to be themed around how amazing the Word of God is and we're planning a great service and potluck that you won't want to miss. Yeah!

In the Word with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Bible Says Whut? Part 3

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

A Prayer to Listen (a way to rethink evangelism)

This article was sent to me a few weeks ago and I've been itching for a chance to share it with you. This call to share Christ by listening and serving others by really hearing their hearts is really beautiful and challenging. In fact, we can apply this principle widely in our lives as we strive to act and speak like the One we're following: Jesus. So very simply, I encourage you to click on the image and read it through.

Jesus, teach us to listen.

See you on Sunday,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Bible Says Whut? Part 3

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

IMPACT. (are you ready? it's happening!)

Around here we've been thinking about impacting this community... a lot! As we gear up for the Pavilion Project and get the word out to our neighbours in Williamsburg, I'm constantly reminded that as we CONNECT and TRAIN, we can't neglect taking Jesus' message of life transformation outside of these walls to create IMPACT.

Have you made a financial commitment to invest in the Freedom Pavilion Project? We need every person to join us in this goal so that the vision can become reality and this property would take another step toward being a Life Transformation Campus. (Scroll down to see the details of how to do that.)

But, of course, it goes beyond these 10 acres and into the world beyond us. And that's why it's such a joy for us to support our missions partners. We set our missions giving goal at $20,000 for 2020 after receiving over $28,000 in 2019. Wow! I shared this plan on Sunday during the service but if you missed it, click the link below to read about it.

And we're not done yet because your generous giving to our church means that we can keep dreaming and resourcing all that God is calling us to outside of these walls even as we grow and change and become more like Christ as we do life and ministry together.

I want to encourage you to consider for yourself and your family how you can invest this year. Our sacrifices for the kingdom are never in vain and open up blessing and opportunity for His purposes that we can only imagine.

IMPACT for the kingdom!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Pray For It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.


Here's the deal: You know as well as I do that we need people in our lives. Real people, not their digital avatar. We were meant to connect because when we do, well, a lot of great things are possible.

That's the opportunity we're offering up at Connecting Point. My relationship with Christ gets deeper and more sincere when I do it with others. My ability to grow is massively stunted when I try and do it on my own. So I don't. Connecting with others is on my calendar. It happens when it's cold and rainy, it happens when I've had an exhausting day, it happens when I'm celebrating a victory, it happens because I know I can't develop in my discipleship without it.

Two of our core values at Freedom are CONNECTING AND TRAINING: Building real relationships with God and others and learning to think and act like Jesus. Connecting Point was created as a great option to do both.

Here's what's happening at Connecting Point that might get you started, or be the 'what's next' for you this year. I'll be there - join me!


This group will focus on building Christ-centred marriages.


This study is a deep-dive into the gospel of John with relevant application from the life and teaching of Jesus. (Purchase a book at the NEXT Centre.)


We have planners, calendars, and to-do lists to help us organize our business and social lives. This study is all about organizing the other side of our lives—the spiritual side. (Purchase a book at the NEXT Centre or on Amazon.)


This group is for women who want to go deeper in Christ and build relationships with other women at the same time.

PLUS... we are offering everyone the chance to COME FOR DINNER before CP (sign-up online) so that you can take the stress out of getting here on time and have a chance to get to know your church family better. #winwin And, if you need childcare for Preschool or younger, please sign up online as well.

Of course, all of this information is on our website so that you can figure out if this would be a good way for you to make time to connect and train. And even if it's not this, connecting and training are core values for a reason. We believe that life in Christ gets deeper and richer when we are intentional about connecting, training and impacting.

Together in Christ,

Pastor Tracy


This Sunday we are going to start collecting pledge cards for the Welcome to Our House Pavilion Project. We need to raise another $30,000 in cash or pledges to start construction. Pray about how your family will invest in what's next at Freedom!

This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Surrender It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Are you dreaming for Freedom? (well, I am!)

I can't count the number of days I've driven up the church driveway and shaken my head in disbelief as I looked over our whole 10 acre property. It's just so amazing. It's ours because a generation ago there was a group of people (just like us) who had a vision to reach even more people in Kitchener with the life-transforming message of of the gospel. There is so much space, so much life, and so much to dream about that I haven't gotten used to that view even more than a decade after I came to Freedom.

Our church isn't big or famous, but we've worked hard to be well known in our community and be about more than just us. We've also worked hard to focus our efforts on things that will truly matter for eternity - making disciples. We've focused on connecting with God, choosing to be in community with one another, learning to think and act like Jesus and changing the world around us for HIm.

But, of course, we're far from feeling like we're done. We know that in some ways we're just getting started. We're as committed as ever to staying in step with the Spirit and He is always ready to move, to transform hearts, to draw people to Christ and to guide us in everything we do.

When we talk about what's next, when we spend many hours over many months developing the Pavilion Project, when we explore new ideas for Connecting Point groups, when we create new resources... or whatever else we're doing, I get excited. Why? The plan that God has for us is stunning and we get to be right in the middle of it and it's totally amazing.

Doing this kingdom-based life together is an adventure like no other. If you haven't already, jump right in, get invested and see what God might have for you as an irreplaceable part of the body of Christ.

And I hope to see you on Sunday night at 6:30 for our Pavilion Q&A. We're getting ready to make a significant financial commitment to this project as a church and we want to hear from you and link arms together as we go forward.

So glad we're together for this adventure!

Pastor Tracy

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This Sunday

Common Sense Faith
Tame It

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Tracy continues our series.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.