
Questions About Life? #TryAlpha (so excited for this!)

We have such an exciting opportunity this spring to share the life-changing faith we have in Jesus with the people in our lives.

A team has been trained and is ready to lead Alpha online. Now it's our turn to figure out who we are going to invite.

Would you pray specifically this week for the Lord to give direction - and also the courage - to invite someone to attend Alpha?

It's running on Wednesdays from April 21-June 16 at 7:00 on Zoom. (You can participate from the lawn chair in your backyard!)

I can tell you from being a part of the training that it is going to be the perfect place to introduce people to Jesus and also, answer some of the questions that long-time believers have wondered about or struggled with. It's just simply going to be a great investment of your time.

Thank you for partnering with us as we launch Alpha. We are believing for God to do great things and ready to step out in faith and invite people to learn more about the One we love and serve with our lives.

INVITE: Share our socials or download a graphic to email/share.
REGISTER: Sign up on our Connecting Point page.

So excited for what's next!!
Pastor Tracy

Want to learn more about Alpha? Check out their website.

This Sunday

Peace in a Noisy World

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Easter Weekend and What's Next (He is risen indeed!)

Church - we have an amazing opportunity in the next few days. Similarly to Christmas, Easter is a time when people who don't typically attend church or think about spiritual things are open to coming to church and hearing about Jesus. My question, then, is simple: how can you use this opportunity to share with someone else the incredible life-change you've experienced?

It may be intimidating to think about but really, it can be as simple as a conversation with a neighbour, an invitation to watch our livestream, or a meal dropped off at a door. In all of this, we simply ask God to open our eyes, give us courage and lead us however He wants to.

Here's what's happening at Freedom now and next. Who could you invite to come along and hear about Him?

Good Friday - April 2 @ 10:00 - In Person & Livestream
Easter Sunday
- April 4 @ 10:00 - In Person & Livestream

Alpha Course - begins April 21 - Online (Invite someone to take it and join them!)

We are asking God to use us in this season for His Kingdom as we celebrate Jesus together.

He is risen indeed!
Pastor Tracy

This Friday & Sunday


The Power of the Cross


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

What is Palm Sunday? (a great reminder as Passion Week begins)

Oh friends, we're almost there. Easter Sunday is so close now and we're about to enter into the Passion Week that starts with Palm Sunday.

While Palm Sunday is fun to celebrate together during a service (and I have a personal love for saying 'palm fronds'!), I thought a reminder about what Palm Sunday is all about would be helpful for us as we step towards Easter together.

I am so grateful that as followers of Christ we are able to celebrate Palm Sunday with a full understanding of how Jesus would accomplish exactly what we needed, not what we expected.

Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Beautiful and Dangerous (beware the path of least resistance)

The weather was so nice last week that I decided to use it to my advantage for Fast & Pray Days. I took the time that would have been my lunch and went for a prayer walk in the woods. It was beautiful... and treacherous. The paths were thick sheets of ice; simply lovely to look at and terrifying to navigate.


Monday's walk resulted in one good fall. No injuries to report and my pride was in tact since no one was around.

On Tuesday, the ice was showing signs of receding but a layer of water had been forming on the top making it even more slippery.

Wednesday turned into a couple's adventure for Rob and I as we tried not to break a hip while we skirted the edges of the paths that still had a bit of traction.

Thursday I was back in there alone on the slowest walk of my life. In fact, I could hardly walk on the paths at all. I had to trek through the trees in order to make it through.

On Friday, I asked Rob to join me again. He agreed... as long as we walked through the neighbourhood on the sidewalks. I couldn't argue.

So many object lessons came to mind during all of this but the one that I couldn't shake was this:

The path of least resistance is the most dangerous one.

The places where many, many people had gone before, where the path was clearly marked and wide enough for many people to walk, those were the steps that were beautiful to look at but incredibly dangerous to try and traverse.

It was when I went off the beaten path and found just a few footprints in the snow to follow that my footing was sure and I could make some real progress along the path. It might have looked like I was taking the longer route or expending more energy but I was actually gaining a lot of ground because I wasn't struggling for each step.


Maybe it's because I write a lot of sermons but I couldn't help but make the connection to my spiritual life. The wide-open path that goes along with what's easy and seems most normal to most people is most often the place where people feel lost, question what their purpose is, wonder if their lives are going anywhere and feeling trapped in their circumstances.

The path that detours from there seems like it takes more effort at first but you start to see pretty quickly that your steps are purposeful. The surroundings aren't quite as well known but they are interesting and soul-feeding and cause you to be fully engaged in the steps ahead.

To me, this is the Jesus-centred life. It's not what everyone else is doing, but it's available to everyone. Anyone could have stepped off the icy path and on to the sure footing in the woods but only a few did. But for me, when I did, what seems impossible (making it up that hill!) became possible and beautiful.

Is there some place in your life where you're stuck on the path of least resistance and you're realizing it's just a sheet of ice, not a place that you can keep moving forward?

I'm praying that the Holy Spirit will speak to each of us and show us any place in our lives where we need to step out of what we've been trying and into where He is leading... even if it's not the most obvious choice to the people around us... and take us to the places where we can find life (to the full).

Praying with you and for you,
Pastor Tracy

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
— Matthew 7:13-14

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

1 Timothy 4:12 in Action (cheering for the next generation!)

There was so much joy in the room on Sunday when we announced the Redefine Youth Food Bank Fundraising Event. I know our OFF Campus family felt it too. Church, look at what is coming out of the hearts of the next generation!


In this week's email devotional I wanted to draw your attention back to what these students are doing and encourage them as they grow in Christ and in how He has gifted them to lead.

1 Timothy 4:12 says, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."

Redefine, we're cheering for you as you step out and set an example!

Pastor Tracy

RY Food Bank Fundraiser Banner.png

Welcome to the Redefine Youth Food Bank Fundraiser! A few months ago the student leadership team of Redefine Youth gathered together and discussed the needs the community we live in was facing and how we could help. Unanimously, we came to the conclusion that a great and practical way we could help out would be to contribute to our local food bank. We set out to raise $500 that would provide 1500 healthy meals for families in need! Beginning Sunday, March 7th and ending Sunday, April 11th we hope to reach that goal! If you’d like to partner with us in this, please check out below some handmade items, limited edition masks, original paintings and a few items up for our silent auction. 100% of the proceeds go towards the food bank!

Handcrafted Items, Original Pieces of Art & Limited Edition Masks


This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Losing and Restoring Joy (even in a long winter)

I loved this post from Pastor Erin on our Connecting Point Facebook Group this week. It's been a difficult winter season but this is a great reminder that we know the very Source of joy.

- Pastor Tracy

Psalm 51-12.jpg

Did you know that you can lose your joy? I'm sure some of you just answered yes, it's called living through February. But in all seriousness there are times in our lives when we feel like we are going through the motions.


David experienced a time like this. In Psalm 51:12 he writes, "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." We know from 1 Samuel 11 that when David wrote this Psalm he was dealing with sin that had driven a wedge between him and the Lord.


Sometimes our lack of joy can be from unconfessed sin in our lives. An attitude, action, words, thoughts and so much more when left unchecked can rob us of the joy of the Lord.


If you feel like you've been going through the motions lately take time today and ask the Lord to examine your heart and expose anything that isn't pleasing to Him. If He reveals things, confess them and know that you are forgiven. Ask Him to help you live in the joy of His salvation once again.

Pastor Erin

PS - Check out this month's Financial Update & Vision Moment!

This Sunday


Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Being Led to the Source by the SOURCE (cause and effect)

A symptom is something that alerts you to what's happening beyond what you can see. Your sneezing can tell you that your body is allergic to pollen and is telling your immune system to fight against it. The sneezing is obvious and annoying but isn't the issue in itself. It's the way that your body tells you that something microscopic is going on.

Finding the source most often needs to be traced from something you are experiencing in some way. Which begs the question: how are the things that I'm doing and saying and feeling pointing me to something that I can't immediately see?

Of course, so much of Jesus' teaching was pointing us to see this. He told the people that if they were struggling under unbearable religious demands that they needed to get things right with God on the inside and then the outside would be put right. (Matthew 23) He told a man that his sins were forgiven before he healed his physical body. (Mark 2) He taught us that outward actions are sourced from the heart first. (Matthew 5-7)

In this Lenten season, we have the opportunity to be drawn to repentance and dependance on God in a focused way. We can do this any time of the year, of course, but Lent gathers us together and helps us to put aside the pride that we carry as we look at the example of Jesus and all that He accomplished for us in humility and submission.

It's especially beautiful because we do it together, in community. And because of that we have each other to help us and encourage us and set an example for us as we allow the Holy Spirit to trace back the symptoms to their causes. What needs to be laid down? What needs to be surrendered? What needs to be confessed? What needs to be brought out and celebrated?

I want to encourage you to submit to this process as we move toward Easter. I fully believe that a heart that is postured to listen and respond to the Spirit every day is the heart that can be transformed every day.

Jesus, transform our lives so that we can impact the world for you.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Walk Toward Your Work

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

NEXT... Impact Leadership Training (so excited!)

According to John Maxwell, leadership is influence. By that definition, we are all leaders in some way. There are people that we influence with our lives - our friends, kids, spouse, coworkers, or family members. The question is... what will we do with that influence?

As a church, we believe that we are called to equip the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13) and we're always looking for the most effective ways to do just that.

That's why we're launching Impact Leadership Training (ILT).

Margaret, Erin and I have been working together for several months to find a way to invest in anyone who wants to develop their leadership capacity and grow in their ability to influence others. It really is that simple. No end game, no recruitment for ministries - just a place to gather with others who are also learning and growing and learn from one another. It's built to challenge you to think about what's next in your life and calling.

Maybe you're thinking, sounds great but I'm not a leader. Even if it sounds interesting, I'm sure I don't qualify. Good news! ILT is built for equipping rookies and engaging seasoned leaders alike so if you're following Jesus and your interest is piqued, you're qualified.

Are you ready for what's next? Details and FAQs are all on our website. We're getting ready to launch in a few weeks so I encourage you to click the link, read more about ILT and when you're ready, send me an email.

Can't wait to get started,

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Walk Toward Your Kids

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

" that you may know him better" (a prayer for you)

Ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God's people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Ephesians 1:15-23 NIV (emphasis mine)


I've been spending a lot of time in the book of Ephesians and read a portion of this scripture as our benediction on Sunday... and it is exactly what I want to say to and pray over each one of you this week.

Fasting and praying with you and for you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Walk Toward Your Marriage

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Financial Peace & Freedom (resetting our hearts and minds this Blue Monday week)

I'm writing this on Blue Monday, which you have probably heard about this week. I understand the mid-winter, post-Christmas, cold & dark atmosphere that contributes to this being called this most depressing time of the year. What really got my attention was the other reason that contributes to this - debt accumulated over the holidays that has now come due.

I don't have to tell you that finances are a BIG deal. We're prone to think, stress, fight and worry about money more than most things in life. No surprise there. It's also an area where we get stuck, feel overwhelmed, make mistakes and also keep very private so the weight of our finances can be very, very heavy.

Freedom in Christ really does mean freedom in every area of your life. We don't want you to be dragging burdens around with you as you go through life. We want everyone to know the freedom that comes from trusting Christ in everything - not the least of which is our financial life.

I know a lot of you who want so much to be generous and to be able to serve and help others with freedom. But you can seem to get out from under your debt in order to live generously. I've heard from some of you who know the right principles when it comes to being a good steward (or manager) of your money but are struggling to put them into practice.

Whatever your situation, you are definitely not alone.

We know that as Christ-followers we're called to live generously in every way. It's important for our hearts to know how to trust God with our resources and to be able to bless others extravagantly as an act of worship in response to all we've received from God. We also know that this is counter-cultural and a daily discipleship decision.

With Blue Monday lingering and new year's resolutions starting to (or already!) fizzling out, here are some ways that you can walk in new freedom this year and live out the life of generosity that you have always had in your heart.

Pray about it.
Tell God about your financial situation. Confess the mistakes you've made with your resources. Find forgiveness. Ask Him how you can trust Him more and be a good steward. (Do this with your spouse and kids as applicable!) Listen for His direction and step out in obedience.

Walk it out with others.
Finances don't have to be a big secret. No one has a perfect track record and we can learn from one another, keep one another accountable and find encouragement in the journey toward freedom.

  • We have some people who are would love to talk with you and help to coach you toward financial peace. Just let us know and we'll get you connected.

  • Just launched... Financial Peace Facebook Group... for CP group alumni or anyone else that wants to learn and stay accountable! (Watch our socials!)

  • You can join our Financial Peace Connecting Point group the next time it's offered to get you started with some amazing teaching and biblical challenges. Watch for it later this year.

Keep learning.
Read books/listen to podcasts/watch seminars and sermons about finance. Keep your mind engaged with the priorities in your heart.

  • Here's a webinar that we shared in our CP Facebook group recently that had lots of ways to reset your finances this year: Ramsey+ Money Reset

Advancing the Kingdom starts in our own homes.

Praying during this Blue Monday week that we would find much hope and freedom as we follow Christ together.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Captives

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Will we make it to spring? (Blue Monday + Stay-At-Home Order + Jesus in You)

A stay-at-home order... in the middle of winter? Not a great combo. Some of you are wondering how you're going to make it to Easter.

In fact, coming up in a few days (January 18th) is Blue Monday. It was decided that this is the most depressing day of the year (according to Google) "because of the bad weather, dark nights, post-Christmas debt and failed New Year's resolutions." Not very hopeful.

It might be fair to call this the Bluest Monday in our lifetime because the social separation we're experiencing is taking a heavy toll on our mental health.

What's the answer? Should we just try to survive until spring? What if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow on February 2nd and we have six more weeks of winter? Will we totally lose it?

The truth is, I don't know what the answer is for you. My situation is different than yours. My struggles are different than yours. My job, health, family, etc. is different that yours. I can't prescribe the antidote to Blue Monday but I can describe some things from scripture that are given to us for help in our time of trouble. I do know that God can use any circumstance to draw us close to Himself and that He is always working on our behalf as we trust in Him.

So here is my sort-of checklist for the next few months as a Christ-follower, wife, mom, and person who feels that spring can't get here fast enough:

  1. Read the Word every day. (More about this on Sunday!) Psalm 119:15-16

  2. Quiet your mind and heart for as long as you can at the start of each day (pray, journal, sit silently and listen to God for at least a few minutes) and repeat throughout the day as required. :) Psalm 131

  3. Find a point of connection with others. Eat meals with your family if you can. Go to the Connecting Point Facebook Group (instead of mindless scrolling social media) and read the thoughts an encouragements of others. Call/text/Zoom with someone. Hebrews 10:23-25

  4. Move. Walk, climb stairs, or change your environment in some way. We know that this has a powerful impact on our mood and state of mind, our ability to problem-solve and to gain perspective on the day. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  5. Set priorities for the day. Give yourself goals to work on (without needing to put on your superhero cape) that move you toward something you've always wanted to learn or be or do. Don't try to accomplish everything at once but do give yourself something to work on. Colossians 3:17, 23-24

  6. Be grateful - about everything you can be, every day, in every situation, as often as you can remember to do it. No lineup at the grocery store - I'm grateful. An encouraging email in my inbox - I'm grateful. The ability to work in sweatpants - I'm grateful. You get the idea. This will transform the inconveniences and challenges of this season in remarkable ways. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I'm working through this list daily, letting it steady my heart and quiet my mind as we walk through whatever is next. Every. Day.

This Free Your Mind series has also been helping me be acutely aware of the battle for my thoughts that is happening all the time. We have been set up for victory over these battles through Christ and I'm grateful for how the Lord has led me to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 in this season.

How about you? How has the Free Your Mind series been helping you? Are you learning something that you didn't know? Have you had a victory in a battle that you've been fighting and want to celebrate? Would you be willing to encourage others with it? We want to tell your stories on 5th Sunday at the end of January. If you can share, please do! Just click the link below and share your hope with others!

Believing with you for a life-transforming season ahead,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Weapons

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

How to Get Things Done (new year, new method)

I've had the privilege of going through my dad's old files and sermons as I was preparing for the Free Your Mind series. He gave me everything he had on the renewed mind and the battlefield of the mind and related topics. Incredible, incredible resource.

I pulled an article out of one file that had been clipped from Christianity Today around 1983 or 1984. It isn't really about the transformed mind... but it is. It's almost 40 years old but was so helpful in grabbing up a bunch of things that are happening in our lives and church and looking at them from another perspective:

  • new year (and all the goals we like to set to get things done)

  • new series (about getting our minds right) and;

  • new week of fasting and praying (starting with Deep Roots on Sunday night)

“Prayer must become your method, not just a good activity in which you engage from time to time!”
— see attached article
  • And so, as we prepare for another week of prayer and fasting, I encourage you to read this article slowly and maybe twice. Let it sit in your heart and let's begin to practice "praying our way through the day".

Learning to pray unceasingly with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Stronghold

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Where's Your Head At? (winning the battle)

Where is your head at these days?

Ever feel like you have to fight just to keep moving through your day? Like there is more struggle going on in your thoughts than you even know how to express?

Yeah, it's not just you. In fact, scripture talks a lot about the battle that is going on in your mind right now. So, if my mind is a battlefield, how do I come out the winner?

I'm glad you asked! Our new series, Free Your Mind, is about exactly that. We're going to work together to identify the battlefield, the strongholds, the weapons and the captives in this struggle and learn how the Bible teaches us to be more than conquerors.

You and I need to understand and live these truths. It's a fight worth taking on and will be a game changer in 2021. Come with us as we dig into 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 and where it leads us... and invite someone to join you. It's so easy to share our livestream!

But why wait until Sunday to get started. Philippians 4:8 says:

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

So, I've collected the testimonies that came in on Sunday and I've put them into their own blog post. Ready to be encouraged and fix your thoughts on some excellent and praiseworthy things? Go ahead and click the link below.

Excited for lives transformed by renewed minds!
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The Battlefield

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

We're Still Together (at Christmas and beyond)

I did something this week that I've never done in my 18 years in ministry... I watched a press conference with the staff. Can anything strange surprise us anymore?

With the lockdown mandate from the province that begins on December 26th, I want to take a couple of minutes and let you know what's happening here at Freedom.

For you visual learners, a video.

For you who love the written word, here are the highlights:

  • Christmas Eve is online! No change there. (Thank you, Lord!). Keep inviting others to watch from the safety of their own homes "with" you. Use the resources on our website or share our socials.

  • Sunday, December 27 (this Sunday) until the end of January, we will be livestreaming our service with no in-person attendance. But it's not a problem - we've learned so much this year and we GOT THIS! We just really want to see you there because we have a few special things planned...

  • Send us your testimony of what God has done in your life in 2020. Email or DM us. Encourage one another! We want to hear from you!

  • Send us your song request. What do you want to sing with your church (unmasked from home) to finish off the year? Rob is ready for it! (Again, email or DM us or look for social posts.)

  • We are still about impacting our community so let us know if you have a donation of gloves, underwear or socks for Ray of Hope and we'll get it into our collection box safely for you. (Or, let Amazon do the work for you and deliver it to us!)

Truly, church, we keep walking forward in faith. We are full of courage and excited about what God has in store for us in 2021. We will keep praying, we will keep worshiping, we will keep serving, we will keep caring for one another and we will keep impacting the world for Christ. What a time to be entrusted with the Gospel. I'm thankful that we're in this together.

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Tell Your Story

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.
We also post the service to YOUTUBE on Sunday afternoon.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Christmas Encouragement (a reason for joy)

I'm not sure I've ever done this before so I'm excited about what you're going to read next. Dave, who is a part of our Freedom family, posted in our Facebook Connecting Point Group after the service on Sunday and shared a vision he'd had and not just for himself but for the church. (I have to tell you, going back and reading posts and comments from Sunday is my favourite way to start my week!) Dave's vision was right in line with so many of the conversations I've been having over the past few weeks and really spoke to my heart so I'm sharing it with you in this format with his permission.


Afternoon Church Family,

I had to write about a vision I had this morning in church and I think it was meant for more then just me today based on Pastor Tracy's word.

I came to church today feeling very alone in a crowd and I could see myself just going through the motions thinking that no one knew or had to know. It felt as if there was a spotlight on me, singling me out as the odd ball in the group. Not participating emotionally or spiritually - just standing alone, existing.

Today's message was about Joy. Joy, in the coming of Christ. Joy in the sacrifice that would be made for us and me. Joy, that the birth of Christ was about the end and not the beginning. Joy, that it was set in place before I knew I needed it or before I had to clean myself up to get it. Joy, that new has come for me and all those who call on Jesus...

That was when God cleared up the vision I had seen in my heart and head. The spotlight was not to show me that I am isolated from those around me, isolated and alone, alone and lost...but...that HE has isolated me in His eye's vision. He is looking right at me even though everything else is happening around me and I feel alone. Instead He is FOCUSING on me alone (and you in your place right now). He is LOVING right on me - alone from those around me. His love is not corporate when it is directed at is FOR ME ALONE. BOOM!

Yes, I feel alone still, right now in the physical - the situation of the loneliness has not changed yet but... I am NOT alone, but instead, a focus of His attention. And with that came JOY. Oh, not the jump up and down because I just won one of the Sunday morning prizes, but a sense of His presence in that loneliness - a loneliness in Joy.

I think that wasn't just for me today and so I felt I needed to share. May the Holy Spirit of God lavish you with JOY of isolation today.

- Dave Hancock


This touched my heart. He sees you. He knows you.

And, He is working through US to speak to the individual heart. How amazing is our God who teaches us to lay down our selves but also speaks to each one of us personally?

We are TOGETHER this Christmas because we are IN CHRIST. Indeed, there is so much reason for joy.

Would you invite someone to join you for our Christmas Eve service? It's all online so you won't break any by-laws! Just click the "Together at Christmas" graphic below.

Do you know someone who will be joining us for Christmas Eve and would like our Christmas Eve service package? We would be delighted to get one to them. Just let us know!

Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Gold (A King Like No Other)

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Together at Christmas (more Christmas at Freedom)

It's happening! Our online Christmas Eve service is coming together and we're excited about the opportunity to not be limited by room capacity or registration forms but to be able to extend the invitation to hear the good news about Jesus this Christmas to absolutely everyone.

Here's your assignment for the week. Check out our website with all the details about our Christmas Eve service and decide who you can invite. There is even a simple inviter tool right there on the page. So easy!

But wait, there's more! If you are on our regular mailing list (as in, you get this email), we are working on a special package that we will deliver to you before Christmas Eve so that we can be as together as possible while we're apart this year. It has a lot of nice things in it but our favourite is that we're sending you candles that you can light with us during the service... the same ones we use when we're in person. Yeah!

If you are wondering if you really are on the list or if you've invited someone who would also like a package from us, just reply to this email and let us know. We're making a list... and checking it twice... we'll bring you a package no matter how naughty or nice you've been. :)

The Christmas Eve page on our website has lots of information, including what to do if you aren't on/don't like Facebook. Be sure to check it out!

Lastly, I'm asking that you'll pray with me that we'll have a Christmas with lots of impact for Jesus. Pray for Rob and our tech team that they will have much success in putting the service together. Pray that the Holy Spirit would begin to soften hearts to respond to the message of the gospel. Pray that you would have the courage to invite others and talk to other about Christ this whole season long.

It's going to be a very merry Christmas indeed!
Pastor Tracy

It's not too late... join us for our ADVENT READING PLAN on YOUVERSION.

This Sunday

Myrrh (It’s Hard to Believe)

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Christmas At Freedom... And How You Can Participate (together at home!)

Go ahead and watch the video above and here are all the links you need!

CHRISTMAS EVE: Watch our socials and your email for shareable invitations to our Facebook Live Service on Christmas Eve at 7:00pm. You don't need a Facebook account to watch. Just go to our page without logging in: CLICK HERE


Looking forward to celebrating with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

Frankincense (No One Understands Me)

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

5th Sunday... Let's Celebrate the Church in 2020! (all the hope, love, joy and peace)

I don't know about you but I'm happy to have some reasons to celebrate at the end of this year. I always love the Advent and Christmas season but I'm looking forward to understanding it even more and deepening my gratitude as we go through it together.

There are lots of great resources to help us understand this season. I've included one below that does a great job with teaching and with a great soundtrack. :)

So this Sunday, we're going to use our 5th Sunday service to celebrate some things as a church and get our hearts ready for the days ahead.

We're hoping to celebrate some baptisms, have some fun with new vs. old, celebrate our new normal, introduce you to our new Freedom Church campus, talk about the exciting opportunities to impact the world for Christ this Christmas and more.

On that note, I have a few action items for you this week:

  1. If you would still like to be baptized, I need to hear from you today. Just click the button below.

  2. If you have a question for one of our pastors, email it to

  3. Whether you're in person or online, get ready to participate. We have built the service to be fully interactive and we can't wait to hear from you!

  4. If you're watching the livestream and have an Advent wreath at home, wait and we will light the Hope candle together during the service.

Are you ready for 5th Sunday!? We are!

Looking forward to celebrating with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The New Pastor

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

Have You Braced Yourself? (suiting up from Ephesians 6)

Have you braced yourself?

I'm writing this after the insane wind storm we had on Sunday that came after that ugly rain in the morning. My daughter watched a chair fly across the street and smash into the side of a house. That was right around the same time that a neighbour's shingle hit my bedroom window. Yeah, not the prettiest of fall days.

It was quite a wake-up call after the record-breaking warm days we had. Winter is on the way and it has the potential to be one of the loneliest on record.

So I'm wondering, have you braced yourself?

Are you emotionally and spiritually prepared for the season ahead? Do you have the rhythms and disciplines in place that you're going to need in order to walk with grace and peace through the winter?

Let's do a check-in with our hearts and calendars this week and see where we need to be prepared to fight fear, anxiety, sadness, and apathy over the next few months. Like putting winter tires on your car, what is going to give you the best spiritual traction?

Ephesians 6:13-18 gives a great picture of what it means to "suit up" spiritually, to be ready for every season, every storm that comes our way.

"Put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayer and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people."

So in these next few days, consider how prepared you are for what's next.

  1. Are you in the habit of reading the Bible daily?

  2. Do you consistently communicate with God in prayer?

  3. Have you built time into your calendar for connecting and growing with other believers?

  4. Are you confessing your sin and living rightly before God through Jesus?

  5. Do you ask God to use you to share the hope, peace and freedom you have in Christ?

  6. Are you finding rest and being restored in Him?

Take an inventory of your heart, mind and spirit as we head into the darkest days of the year (in a very literal sense!). Join me in asking the Holy Spirit to show you where you need to be more intentional so that we are ready for the season ahead... and the one after that!

Staying alert with you,
Pastor Tracy

This Sunday

The New Prayer

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.

The New Creation (all about water baptism)

Pastor did an excellent job helping us understand what it means that we are new creations in Christ and how water baptism symbolizes this amazing truth. If you didn't get a chance to listen or watch, be sure to check it out here, including the Q&A afterward.

I hope that you've heard by now that there will be an opportunity to be baptized in water on 5th Sunday, November 29th, during our service. If you or someone you know is considering baptism, allow me to reiterate what it's all about. Here is the first page of what you'll find on our website:

Water Baptism - Information & Application.png

So if you've made a decision to follow Jesus and you've never been baptized in water, this is the perfect opportunity. Just click the button at the top of the page and read about your next step. And, of course, don't hesitate to give me a shout if you have any questions!

In Christ,
Pastor Tracy

PS - Fast & Pray Days are still happening and it's not too late to join in. Jump into our Connecting Point Facebook Group for guided prayer and other encouragement for the week!

This Sunday

The New Tithe

Join us on Sunday at 10am for church online.

Follow along with the message on YouVersion.